Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, September 28, 2015

PSYCHE!!!!!!!!!! and 中秋節快樂!

So.... last tuesday. as nervous as we  were for transfers..... we get a text from the zone leaders saying, transfers have been pushed back a week!!!! WHAT?! and now we get another week to just relax and work hard! and work hard we did! we saw so many miracles, i know that transfers getting pushed back was not an accident..... no way. it was all in God's plan. 

So. transfers are this week, and now we are in that nervous anticipation again. and they are on a thursday not a friday! wow. changing everything up!

ALSO YESTERDAY WAS 中秋節! (ZhongQiuJie) Mid Autumn Festival. I am started to repeat holidays. you know when you are an old missionary. when this starts to happen. haha. this year totally made up for last year. (i don't know if yall remembered but we didn't get invited to kao rou.... BBQ...... but this year we got to go to 3!!) yum. i am so full. these people know how to eat. i will tell you that. haha

 #1. marshmallows!!!!

and this #2. Oysters!!! (Yum!!!)
and this is #3. a family(they are investigators)! and shrimp!

we saw so many miracles this week and worked so hard. and while at the end some things didn't work out and people used their agency not to come to church. it wasn't a waste of time. this whole transfer wasn't a waste of anyones time or effort. 

the church is as true as ever. our members are the best. and BBQ tastes good. 

keep on keeping everyone!!! 


and oh yay, sorry i thought i told yall, because we ended up being in a rush to get home we didn't do that testimonies... woooh. saved for the next time haha  (: we didn't get home until 10:30 and because our house is so far away we ended up just staying at the other sister's apartment closer. and then we rode home in the morning for exercise. (:

oh yes!! our people!!! i love them!!!!! it was so happy to see!!! also. this week i heard about another miracle.... when i was with sister giles we met this lin jm..... and we gave her an english tract and gave her number to the other sisters..... and well, she is getting baptized on 10/10!!! wow.... so happy! she was like, if i didn't meet you... i would have been here... i wouldn't have been happy. and that was the best thing i ever heard. wow. 

primary programs really are the best! they do them in taiwan too! i can't wait until it is primary program time again (:(: and you are right! we should share primary songs with our investigators.. because i realize they are simple. and easy to understand. that is how we try to teach (: thanks!

wow!!! we got the cool experience of going visiting teaching with some of our sisters to visit this new member... and they shared that message. it was so perfect because we are helping her to get to the temple! she is excited but we still need to help her a lot. (: haha she is ready to learn and work though, so we are going to do all we can too (:(:

LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: 

sister walker

i cut my companion's hair. haha! (: she needed some layers...... after her $3 hair cut. it all worked out ok (: (: haha

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