Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, September 14, 2015


hello everyone. happy monday/sunday

i am doing great down here in the promised land.... 

FIRST. i would like to explain my title, so let me explain a missionary life. or our life recently. we having been doing a lot of finding to fill up our teaching pool. and this means. talking to everyone. i mean we do that no matter what. but really. we are talking to everyone we see. with the hope that this person will be the person to accept an invitation to learn more. So we go along.... and we find a person willing to talk with us for a bit, and then we pray with them, and everyone likes that. i haven't met a person yet who doesn't like prayer..... and then we teach them a principle that they need, usually about the book of mormon, or families, or God's love, etc. etc. or all of them. and then we talk about baptism, etc. etc. etc. finally we invite them to say a prayer. and then we give them a book of mormon, set up a time to meet again and get their info and say goodbye to go do it again! and as we say goodbye and walk away i always want to skip and put my fist up in the air like mario... to get the gold coin... right? i am pretty sure i am not making this up... anyway.... yes, and when i go up to hit it, we get a coin and they get one too...and that is the little bit of happiness and joy from hope. it is very exciting.

SECOND. sister komatsu and i were talking the other day about what motivates us. and i sat there, and i was like, where do i begin? i think everything motivates me......
1. hope. hope that this will be the person, hope that i can overcome my weaknesses, hope that comes through faith and christ, and that i can be more like Him. 
2. people we meet, people we say hi too, people we teach, investigators, less actives, new members, other members, and all that we are learning and changing together.
3. missionaries in the taiwan taipei mission, and all over the world
4. family, praying for me and supporting me from back home, and my cousin in the other mission.
5. friends, from home, on the mission, from the wards here, from the ward back home, from school, for the future
6. my future life and family. i know that i am learning so much here that will change the rest of my life and everyone i meet.
7. obedience because that is one of the 1st laws of heaven.

ultimately i think it comes down to HOPE. which is my greatest Christlike attribute. haha. cool, now i just have to work on the other ones... haha (:

THIRD. We got fang'd a lot this week. like 2-3 times per day. and i think i have explained this before.... but fang'd means that you were stood up, or cancelled last minute, etc. etc. and yesterday, i was saying to sister Komatsu, i am almost sick of getting fangd.... almost. for some reason, i just don't feel upset. 

yes, there is a difference when you have christ's name on a badge on you all the time. (: did i tell you i sleep with my tag on? haha (:

also, for some reason... we go. and go and go. and bike and bike. but i don't really feel that tired. i can still keep doing it. weird. :) AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: haha

FOURTH. we had like the best combined family home evening the other day in LuYe, and it was the best... and just last minute like, last week they asked the missionaries... us and the elders to do the activity and lesson.... so basically everyone ate together and then they turned the time over to us. and i am sooo sooo sooo happy because it turned out so great. we shared Mosiah 18:17, 21-25 and we did the activity where you make the web with the rope with everyone and it is a team building, unity activity. so fun!!! everyone loved it. and we all received so much revelation. Afterward we talked about it, and invited everyone to participate in our 21 day promise mission plan. did i tell you about that? i can't remember..... but basically you think of some people that need the gospel or need some help and etc. etc. and then pray for them for 21 days and read these scriptures. and then missionaries and leaders work together to help them come to Christ! so good. and yes.


We are doing good. this week was good. next week will be good. and forever. will be good. because God is good. the gospel is good. But not only good. ITS THE BEST.


also random pic of one of the best thing ever taro....... look it up.

oh and also.... this thing that the seven elevens do here.... you spend $75 you get a sticker... and then for the next $35 you get another sticker.... and then you get a collection and at the end you win a free cute cup! yay!! (:(: we won this month! we will get our cup next week (:(: haha

check out this pic... i look like i have a halo because of the fan in the background.... but this shirt is great (: haha

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