Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, January 26, 2015

Just kidding, apparently JiLong is only a middle size city. HA.

Anyways. so im sorry. our member was like jilong isn't that big. i think it is... but ya.... apparently its like the whole all the cities kinda mesh together into a big area thing. so all you need to know is. there are a lot of people and big buildings. haha more than anywhere else i have ever been before. (:

some thoughts.......
Spirituality yields two fruits. The first is inspiration to know what to do. The second is power, or the capacity to do it. These two capacities come together. That’s why Nephi could say, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.”  He knew the spiritual laws upon which inspiration and power are based. Yes, God answers prayer and gives us spiritual direction when we live obediently and exercise the required faith in Him.-talk from Elder Scott (acquiring spiritual guidance)

OH man. we have an english investigator and it is super weird. i have only met with her once... but WOW. speaking english=hard.

ALSO. met this lady... she came up to us. she was like are you Mormon? and we were like ya, she said she was from Utah. her english is really good, and she was just like come to my house on saturday... so we will see how that goes, but she couldn't stop saying, wow you look so asian!!! and i was just like-YEEESSSSSsssss.... best compliment ever. <3

sommee miracles!!!
1. Our lady we met at the harbor last week is progressing really nicely. she is so amazing. i feel the spirit so strong every single time we meet with her... which is actually a lot. she really wants this. which is so refreshing. the ward is so good to her too! she came to church and basically met EVERYONE. she loves it (: thats what i like about church too. it just feels kinda like a big family reunion (:
2. we got to do temple tours which means that we hang out in taipei all day and give tours in the jin hua jie chapel... the main one right in the middle of taipei right across from the mission office and the temple. we got so many tours and at one point we had to ask other missionaries to come and help us because there was too many people! we gave out 6 book of mormons that day!!! wow!!!(:(: so happy!!!
3. our members.... the wu family... gave us 4 refferals, sister wu's mom and dad and brother wu's little brother and his family.... wow...... let me tell you that might just be the biggest miracle of my whole mission. so exciting! 

we are working hard and sister price are having a party!!!!

LOVE YOU ALL <3 have a good nother week... till next monday (: 

Some Cool Statues!

haha, member's kids are adorable!!! check out that strawberry!!

yes, more cool miaos!!

its huge!!! this was for pday (:

here is the city....keelung or jilong.... haha (: and it is a harbor city... so different from anywhere else and super cool!!! (:(:

i live in another tall building.... i will send you a pic of the apartment... it is smaller than anywhere else.... only a main room and the kitchen is right off of it... a bathroom and a room for changing and our closets (:we are also in the process of cleaning it.... i don't even know how sisters before us lived here. HA
this is a before picture... and i will send an after one next week (: it is starting to look better already.... (:(:

we went to this sweet temple for pday!!

                                                                                            also, one thing about Taiwan... basically its all about walking barefoot on rocks to make you healthy. check this one out... it hits like specific spots on your foot. and if it hurts, you know that you aren't healthy. haha, something like that. i was ok, but you also get use to it (: 

Friday, January 23, 2015

HELLO everyone.
WOW. thats all i can say. so much to write! and no time like always!!!
so, big shocker. again. I got transferred...... ON MY BIRTHDAY.
so now, I am in Taibei.... the part called Jilong. It is really pretty!! and really different, and in the north... ive been everywhere now! haha, it is right on the harbor and it is huge. wow. so different. and kinda really overwhelming. but i am getting more and more use to it (:
ANYWAY. first miracle.... SISTER PRICE IS MY NEW COMPANION, she is one transfer behind me.... so that makes me senior companion... scary. but basically we are an equal team so it doesn't even matter anyway (: haha we knew each other in the MTC and we always said how crazy it would be if we got to be companions, well the time has come. let the craziness begin. 
anyway...we kinda had a mini party when we got back to our area.... we got some dominos pizza with stuffed crust (:(: and took some pics and hung up the birthday sign (: we are going to make cake on next pday.... 
check this out.... this is sister price and i in the mtc.... 

and here is us today.......

We have already seen so many miracles together!!!! 
1.... the first full day in jilong... in the morning... we were on the bus going to visit some LA... long story short... we couldn't meet with them.... we were at the bus stop waiting to go back and i was just feeling. hugely. umm, overwhelmed? stressed. i just prayed that God could give me some peace and comfort..... I was feeling really low... and so i reached into my pocket to put my gloves on... and right there in the left side pocket was a note from sister anderson.... it was a card that didn't say that much, just thanked me, said she loved me and that she would miss me and that our members in zhunan would miss me. it was so sweet. i started tearing up. that was the biggest, smallest answer, miracle to my prayer. it was so wonderful (: i know that God answers prayers, often times it is through others, I know that God loves us. it is so amazing. It gave me the hope and faith to continue on and even though i am in this huge city and i don't know where i am... or what i am doing. i do know that what i am doing is true and that it helps all these people. i know that what i am doing is helping me. i love this work. it is so happy!!!
2.... still the first day in jilong.....we had a lesson set up but then we got stood up... so we just went out on the harbor to find... we were talking to this guy in chinese and he was like... i don't understand... and i was like... i know what i am saying is correct chinese.... haha, turns out he is from indonesia and his chinese isn't that good...... so just talking to him and this lady comes up and she is like... what are you doing here? haha, and i was like let me tell you, we are missionaries.... haha and yup basically. she is such a prepared person... she said just the other day she was listening to some christian music and she said she felt really good when she listened to it... and she has been trying to read the new testament in english.... basically she is our new investigator! she was so happy to meet us, and i know that God set that up. seriously. the timing was perfect... she had just gotten off the bus right there where we were.... because she had just gotten off work, and she saw us and had the courage to come and talk to us (:(: wow. what a miracle, she is our new investigator! she is getting baptized in March (; she is so excited for it too!! wow!!!!
it was pretty sad to leave zhunan after seeing some awesome miracles and just when everyone is progressing so nicely (: but this place is great, and there is something to be learned in each place and with each companion(:(:
thanks so much for all the encouragement (:(: and thoughts, i love you all so much!!!

LOVE, sister walker (:
also... this was last monday in nanzhuang (: it was super pretty (: and yup, it is in the middle of january.... go tropical island for ya. ha

the other day we saw these people... a mom and dad, kinda reminded me of you and mom, or grandpa david and grandma karen... because they had their sweet harleys!haha, i was like! my dad has one just like it! and i was like.. i actually do not know what it is called. or anythihng, i just know that it is black (: haha! they thought that was funny, they are cool, they go all over taiwan, and it reminded me of all the times that we went and did
our trips!! (:(:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

don't have much time. but just know. THIS WEEK WAS THE BEST WEEK EVER> OF ALL TIMES>

also, today we went to nanzhuang. so i have no time to email (:(: but it was soooo fun!!! please see the pictures..... and also... transfers are this week, so this might be the last little bit with sister anderson... i will keep you updated next week what is going on!! it is super crazy because no new missionaries have been able to get their visas and come to taiwan!!! keep them in your prayers (: we want them to get here, or else areas will be closed down :(
ANYWHO!!!! ....why was this week so great??? well. lets just say it was a miracle.
I feel like sister anderson and i have been going through these 12 weeks, going through our ups and downs... finding investigators.... teaching and then, just not really anything happening... and then something happens, then... nothing. so ya, just imagine that. and i guess you have all been getting the updates so you get it.....
well, i feel like our whole time together, trying to be better, trying to get things down, have culminated to this one last final, fantastic week.
and it doesn't mean that everything went smooth it didn't. but let me just tell you about a few things that happened....
1. we met MIA. she is so cute, we were just trying to find someone... and we figured that we should just try the neighbors and see if they knew who we were trying to find.....well, comes to find out that she didn't but. she was a prepared soul. we gave her a book of mormon and she was so excited! she just kept saying, thank you thank you! and she was so happy that we wanted to come back and read it with her and answer her questions. I feel like i was turning from the unprepared to the prepared... kinda like i talked about last week.
2.  we got to meet with so many less actives.... just meaning that they don't come to church... maybe they want to and they are lazy... maybe they have work so that they can't come.... and maybe some just moved and now they are just trying to get back, but they don't know how. you get to be that support, maybe that reminder... and maybe that light in the darkness.
well, thats it for now. i love you all!!! and will continue next week (: but i got to go and find more prepared people!!! love love love!!!!!!
sister walker (:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I am doing really good this week. and ya, i don't know what it is... but during the day here it is really nice. almost like california... oh but when the sun goes down it is terrifying!!! it is sooo cold, so basically we have to take our big coats out... i just put it in my box i have on the back of the bike and then we bundle up at night (:
we are doing really good (: the week... well, this week it was a really fast one, and a kinds hard one... there were 4 days off of work and school for everyone... and that means that no one is here because they all are traveling... or going home to where they are from.... so it was a really hard week. but it was really good, we got to see a lot of really cool miracles, like last night we got to meet with our 11 year old investigator! he is so cool! haha, and his family of course... his mom is from vietnam but her chinese is really good, and his dad is taiwanese, they had us over for dinner and the mom, sister wu cooked us some delivious vietnamese food!!! it was delicious, especially because it was fast sunday. yumm!! we were so full afterward... ahha (: and anyway.. his name is brother lin... and he set a baptismal date for february 7th and we get to meet with him twice a week and he is going to come to church and english class, he is so great. haha
so ya, like i said... everybody was gone for new years, so lessons were the lowest that i have ever had it... but we got to meet so many cool people and this week we got to give out 7 book of mormons!! it was amazing, we had a couple future missionaries come out with us for 30 minutes before they went and saw the hobbit #3 and  they are so cute! we saw o many awesome miracles just in that short time, one of them is hoping to get hers sometime within the next few weeks... (her mission call) she is 19 just like me! and the other is 18 and is going to college, but was at home for the holiday... and she decided she is going to go on a mission too! we are so proud of them (:
anyway! let me tell you about one of the guys we gave a book of mormon too... this experience... tho small was really miraculous. we were walking along... just trying to talk to everybody because there was nobody. haha, and this guy gets off his bike at this store and helps his little girl down... who is this little sweetheart... i just give her a flyer to come to english class and then we get talking with the dad.... turns out they are also christian... and at the beginning he was like, i have my own chruch... and was not really open to really anything... but as the spirit softened his heart... by the end he was thanking us for giving him the book of mormon... he said a prayer for us and there was an actual change in his countenance. it was amazing, it was almost like the whole world just shifted in that amount of time, and i don't know what it was... but the spirit did, and it wasn't anything that i said or did..... but it was heavenly father, reaching out to his child.. and i just so happened to be there. wow.
and anyway. as much as the taiwanese say they don't celebrate it. they do celebrate our new year. everyone was saying how boring it was that were stuck here in zhunan where it was so boring, but really its all good haha, i am just super exited for guonian! (that is the chinese new year) in the middle of february... and it is going to be amazing, ooohhhh ya,
oh, random! heard that our LA went to ShangHai (in china) to see the fireworks and everything for the new year.... but she said it was not fun at all! she said she was actually really scared... ended up that like a lot of people died from being trampled! she said that is just how it is in china... people will push you and crowd you. it is really intense, also noticed the taiwanese are always ready to say a joke about china... or something, not that that is important. or anything... ya. anyway....
we met with a member this week... sister weng. she is so great. one thing that really hit me... was that she said that sometimes when she prays... she imagines that our Heavenly Father is just sitting there... maybe on a bench or something that that He just says... I know... why don't you just come down and sit by Me for a little bit. and so she does. and she just feels peace and happiness, then she counsels with Him for a bit, and that is her prayer. How beautiful is that? I am going to try that!
oh and this week we studied about desire... in district meetings and my personal studies, and how the Lord really does grant unto us everything according to our desires... to eternal life... or to not eternal life.... to like forever unhappiness,.... and that is just and merciful. but it we really do want eternal life... then lets do the things that will get us there. if we really do want it... lets make it a priority. and that is how i have seen it here talking to people, God respects our agency so much. and while we want everyone to accept the gospel, not everyone will sadly. and it is also really frustrating, but as i have come to understand it... i think it has helped me to understand the whole process, and purpose of missionary work.
we are sent to find the prepared.
ya so i have been reading in alma 26-33 such  great missionary examples (: love it  (:
Invite: make some sweet new years resolutions. and then do them (:
love, sister walker

 this morning.... the view... i call it flaming sun...

also im an angel!! (us doing service at a catholic place) 

 selfie with a sweet statue and temple. ya. (:

i ate another squid or octopus... not sure! ....its brains exploded. just thought you would all like to see!! (:

ummer summerrr gunnesss, don't even know, but sister anderson and i laughed so hard. ha

flaming sun (view from the apartment)