Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Friday, January 23, 2015

HELLO everyone.
WOW. thats all i can say. so much to write! and no time like always!!!
so, big shocker. again. I got transferred...... ON MY BIRTHDAY.
so now, I am in Taibei.... the part called Jilong. It is really pretty!! and really different, and in the north... ive been everywhere now! haha, it is right on the harbor and it is huge. wow. so different. and kinda really overwhelming. but i am getting more and more use to it (:
ANYWAY. first miracle.... SISTER PRICE IS MY NEW COMPANION, she is one transfer behind me.... so that makes me senior companion... scary. but basically we are an equal team so it doesn't even matter anyway (: haha we knew each other in the MTC and we always said how crazy it would be if we got to be companions, well the time has come. let the craziness begin. 
anyway...we kinda had a mini party when we got back to our area.... we got some dominos pizza with stuffed crust (:(: and took some pics and hung up the birthday sign (: we are going to make cake on next pday.... 
check this out.... this is sister price and i in the mtc.... 

and here is us today.......

We have already seen so many miracles together!!!! 
1.... the first full day in jilong... in the morning... we were on the bus going to visit some LA... long story short... we couldn't meet with them.... we were at the bus stop waiting to go back and i was just feeling. hugely. umm, overwhelmed? stressed. i just prayed that God could give me some peace and comfort..... I was feeling really low... and so i reached into my pocket to put my gloves on... and right there in the left side pocket was a note from sister anderson.... it was a card that didn't say that much, just thanked me, said she loved me and that she would miss me and that our members in zhunan would miss me. it was so sweet. i started tearing up. that was the biggest, smallest answer, miracle to my prayer. it was so wonderful (: i know that God answers prayers, often times it is through others, I know that God loves us. it is so amazing. It gave me the hope and faith to continue on and even though i am in this huge city and i don't know where i am... or what i am doing. i do know that what i am doing is true and that it helps all these people. i know that what i am doing is helping me. i love this work. it is so happy!!!
2.... still the first day in jilong.....we had a lesson set up but then we got stood up... so we just went out on the harbor to find... we were talking to this guy in chinese and he was like... i don't understand... and i was like... i know what i am saying is correct chinese.... haha, turns out he is from indonesia and his chinese isn't that good...... so just talking to him and this lady comes up and she is like... what are you doing here? haha, and i was like let me tell you, we are missionaries.... haha and yup basically. she is such a prepared person... she said just the other day she was listening to some christian music and she said she felt really good when she listened to it... and she has been trying to read the new testament in english.... basically she is our new investigator! she was so happy to meet us, and i know that God set that up. seriously. the timing was perfect... she had just gotten off the bus right there where we were.... because she had just gotten off work, and she saw us and had the courage to come and talk to us (:(: wow. what a miracle, she is our new investigator! she is getting baptized in March (; she is so excited for it too!! wow!!!!
it was pretty sad to leave zhunan after seeing some awesome miracles and just when everyone is progressing so nicely (: but this place is great, and there is something to be learned in each place and with each companion(:(:
thanks so much for all the encouragement (:(: and thoughts, i love you all so much!!!

LOVE, sister walker (:
also... this was last monday in nanzhuang (: it was super pretty (: and yup, it is in the middle of january.... go tropical island for ya. ha

the other day we saw these people... a mom and dad, kinda reminded me of you and mom, or grandpa david and grandma karen... because they had their sweet harleys!haha, i was like! my dad has one just like it! and i was like.. i actually do not know what it is called. or anythihng, i just know that it is black (: haha! they thought that was funny, they are cool, they go all over taiwan, and it reminded me of all the times that we went and did
our trips!! (:(:


  1. We love you Lindsey!!!! Keep up the awesome work of the Lord. We are so very proud of you! Love you lots, Aunt Wend, Uncle Rob, and family

  2. We love you Lindsey!!!! Keep up the awesome work of the Lord. We are so very proud of you! Love you lots, Aunt Wend, Uncle Rob, and family
