Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

another silence before the MIRACLE>

we are preparing for our Miracles we are going to see this week. It is pretty exciting. MIRACLES ARE ALL AROUND US. We just have had the feeling recently that we don't have like any investigators. It is true. and the elders have been feeling the same way.... but i told everyone at missionary coordination meeting that this means there is a huge miracle coming our way!!! EXCITING HUH?

One thing that has been amazing is that in our zone meeting, someone brought up the project purification that we did a couple months ago... and so sister komatsu and i decided that that is exactly what we need to do. And so we did it! Yesterday we had our fast, and now we are going to become purified for the rest of the transfer. 

We really want to be captained by Christ... we want our dirty water to be turned into pure wine. PLEASE SEE JESUS'S FIRST MIRACLE. We have been feeling that we have been lead by the spirit recently, but we know there are all things that can be improved. We are turning in and asking, Lord, is it I? 
I think at this point on my mission i have been feeling satisfied. and not that that feeling is bad, but i don't want it to hinder the spirit and my desire to keep going! I want to overcome laziness. I know that that fast really reminded me of a few small things i can do to be better. 

Our area is a pretty new area, our members are so great though! And they are really what keeps us going, we are helping them all have a desire to go to the temple. One thing that happened this week that was esp. special. ha. is that we got to attend ward council and talk about the missionary work lately and what are the names, and goals from the ward council so we can better work together to help these people make it to the temple! It is really exciting.

A miracle, amongst the many we saw this week was that we got to go to guanshan..... an area that i have never been too, and not many members even knew the members there, so we took our ward list, and the map and we got to visit everyone that we wanted too. We saw amazing experiences meeting a member, Lu JM, she hadn't been to church in a very long time! and we got to give her an opportunity to pray and give her a book of mormon. Her prayer was so sincere, she really wanted to know from God if this is the way that she needs to turn in her life right now. It was amazing, because we only had about 10 minutes until the train left to go back, but we felt the strong impression we needed to go see her. We biked really fast, and really safely.

this is the cute little place we went!!! basically paradise. we were just riding around and i looked over at sister komatsu... and i was like, where are we? welcome to paradise. a place famous for rice. haha, anyway... another funny story... we go all the way out to guanshan... and we stop at this house in the middle of no where to see the address... and the people come and out, and i say we are a little lost, and ask if they can help..... haha. they are totally americans. and he walks out and is just like, do you speak english? and im like yaaaa......... they are totally from texas. crazy!

 On the train ride back we met a Hu DX, he was just sitting there on the train with his leopard print hat looking at his phone.... I remember thinking back to the talk i had read that morning about  a sacred missionary who teaches along the way... meaning on the train, on the road, everywhere. And so we took a deep breath and made the effort. We went over awkwardly and started talking to him. he was the most prepared person ever. he said that he had tried to feel it before.... jesus christ and the holy ghost. He asked, how can we know that Jesus is real and that God loves us? We prayed for him, and he was so excited! He got to say a prayer afterward and in it He said thanks for letting us see a miracle. Because it was. And that is how we feel God's love. We gave him a book of mormon and was even more excited because his train kept going for another 3 hours after we got off. wow. One last experience..... we needed to stop at the 7/11 to get some water and go to the bathroom. I walked in and saw this white guy sitting in one of the chairs in the back..... and so i go to the bathroom, come back out and my amazing companion is talking to that guy. And i walk over, taking some courage and we talk to him, and he is talking about his family, and uncertain about the future etc. I explain that the reason why i am on a mission is that the gospel brings me happiness and my family can be together forever. and he said, really? oh, i don't understand? And we said, can we sit down. And right there in that 7/11 we taught the restoration/plan of salvation in english. for the first time in my life. Afterward, I just felt so charged up. He also got a chance to say the first prayer of his life. Afterward, he was just like, yes, that feels good. WOW! (: The spirit was so there.

Recently I have been thinking that a major thing that has been happening on my mission is this conflict in my mind about spending time to help the investigator that is going a little slower to be golden or do we just move on and find the people that are ready now. and are golden to be baptized really soon. of course it is all based on the spirit and there is no right answer. but i just know that no effort is wasted. And hopefully this week we can be more in tune to know what we need to do to help our vineyard. Our sheepfold. That is our goal, to do better inviting and focusing on baptism. 

At this time in our area, we only really have a few investigators, recently we have been seeing a lot of prepared miracle people, but they don't live in our area.... etc. but i am happy to find those people for others, and i know we will see the blessings (:

I know that we are about to see a huge miracle, we are preparing ourselves. 

LOVE SISTER WALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also... its a thing to have peanut butter, banana, and bacon on your burger. try it. its good.

another pic of guanshan

This road says...RESTORATION!  Haha :)

My tan line :)

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