Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, June 30, 2014

Half Way There!!

OK y'all. so i have no more time. i have to grab some lunch before we go clean the Provo temple. so ya, here are some pics. kinda describing the week.
it was a good time. 
love you all.
i don't like to write long emails..... send me a letter and i will send you a long one back.
the church is true. God lives and scriptures can help us receive inspiration from Him. 
This week I asked, "my body is exhausted, really how can I go on happily and joyfully?" we then read as a district the Book of Enos in the Book of Mormon and seriously there was the answer.
also, please go to church. its a good place.
OK, bye (:
Sister Walker
also, love you ALL <3
Some elders literally stuck together

Elders from my district!

sister janice kapp perrry!!!

This is my top bunk and the nice notes from Maggie.

Love letter from Lacey

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