Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, October 12, 2015



my new area is soooo different. i was riding my bike the other day... and i look over and there is a TGIFriday..... what??? that is so crazy!!!! haha, and yes we are to the west of taibei.... and my first apartment..  that you can't see the ocean.... weird. and everyone here is up in the mornings going to work.... and they all work in offices in tall buildings and we just contact people on the street instead of knocking doors...... weird. haha but it really is a miracle place. i really really believe that heavenly father is blessing our area to be a good example. we got some amazing referrals on sunday!!! it was amazing, a family!!!! they are super great. because they are so humble and willing to learn. so amazing. 

my focus for the transfer is on my planner: my ponderizing scriptures are in the front cover.... (:(:

3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.

5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.

 6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

 15 ¶So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

and one thing that i really got to ponder about during conference is: why do i do the things i do? is it for myself or for God? when it comes to the end of the day do i love the "lessons" "baptisms" or do I love CHRIST?

I have come to known that all the people we help on our missions/ in our lives... is not for the glory of ourselves. no way. are they are RCs? they are God's. and we really don't do anything. 

We have seen so many miracles this week that is simply from God's grace. and I just feel so FULL. i can't even describe it. I really do think that i have become another person. i feel different. i feel full of life, the spirit, charity, and peace. something that i have never experienced more. i think it makes more sense in chinese. full is like satisfied. like everything is met. and that comes from being happy with yourself. and i think that i have learned not to compare. which is actually something that i have wanted to learn. and it is such a happy feeling. i take joy in others accomplishments. and i feel so happy with everything that i have seen and experienced. and yes... i still have so much time to keep learning before i finish. SO AWESOME!!!!

in conference i took the question.... how can i continue to have this feeling with me? i got so much revelation!!! so happy!!! God answers all of our questions. so cool. 


my new calling is going great.... i went on my first exchange and did my first training in zone meeting! crazy huh! the exchange went well (: haha, of course i have had so many great examples... (: i went with sister morris to her area... but we didn't even know... she is actually sick... with like mono... she thinks. but she wasn't sure.... so she just rested... and i went out with the sister in the other area... sister strong!... same apartment... and went finding! and well.... it was an exchange within an exchange... exchange-seption? haha and we went to the bread store and got bread for our sick companions. WE SAW SO MANY MIRACLES! later i got to go out with sister morris (: she is such an awesome missionary and such a trooper!!! I LOVE THESE SISTERS.... they don't even need training. they are awesome.  haha (:

ALso.... CONFERENCE WAS THE BEST!!! i just want more!!!! and watching president monson. i just could feel that he was the prophet! he was so strong, speaking so clearly despite how weak his body was! i love prophets (: they are the best. so happy to have our investigators Su DX, and our newest friends.... QIU JM and her son and daughter there too (:

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! till next time..... sister walker

my feet and harleys!

Mormon noodles at the temple

in between sessions we went to carrefour to get ice cream from mcdonalds and curry (:

there was also this cool ninja thing (:

Sister Cutler


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