Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, March 9, 2015

THINGS ARE GREAT> we made it a week!!((: yessssssssssssssss

sorry... things are crazy. and there goes the time again.... ha.

but a few let ya know...

1. ok so one day this week we were on the bus... started talking to this lady.... who actually turns out to be a christian... but less active... hasn't been to church or prayed in a long time.... but right there on the bus.... i got to say a prayer with her to bless her.... she started tearing up.... and got to give her a book of mormon and encouraged her to pray.. she was so grateful. amazing what a simple prayer can do and the power of the holy spirit to testify of truth and God's love. Anyway.... our stop came and we had to get off, but i quickly got her number.... and Saturday i called her.... and she was like, come to my house and i will feed you.... and well, yesterday we stopped by and her whole family was there! that was the biggest lesson of my entire life.... her two sons and their wives and their children.... got to teach them all about the gospel... focused on Christ and the book of mormon... and just got to get to know them. wow. she is our only investigator at this point. but can you imagine that baptismal service? i think that through feeling the spirit, that we can start meeting with all of them! it is so exciting, sister tate and i were just sitting there. like wow. they could be an eternal family. she was so sweet.... she got a chance to say a prayer at the end of the lessson and it was so good! so exciting (: she was so touched. she just kept calling us angels. but really God is the worker, He adds the increase... we don't really do much. (:
2. we got some amazing new investigators! two that are RC's family and friend! wow!! so exciting, it is so better when they have a member and friend to be by their side, it is also great because we are all working together to help them progress, it is amazing because it also helps the new member's testimony grow as they get a chance to do missionary work (: wow.

my baby is doing so good!! haha (:(: i totally forgot... that i didn't even write anything about her..... HER NAME IS SISTER TATE, she is from orange county california, she went to BYU for a year before coming on her mission... sound familliar huh? she lived in the dorms at helaman halls.... sounds famililar? she lived in stover.... hmmm, she was on the 3rd floor and i was on the 1st floor!!!! CRAZYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have so many mutual friends, it is so crazy. to imagine. wow. she is still 19, her birthday is june 3rd!!!! so i am older (:(: haha, by like 6 months (: haha. she has a twin sister who is in uruguay...... and she has 8 people in her family! wow! her brother served a mission in taizhong, and she is so great! she is fearless! love it!!(:(: we have been seeing so many miracles together in our short time together!

a breaker is the companion you have after your trainer, because they "break" the way you do missionary work... haha, but it is really interesting because sister tate got 4 months in houston texas on a short mission while she waited for her visa to taiwan... and there she had a trainer, and another companion (breaker) and so i feel like i am training her and breaking her. and it is tough. but good, because there are a lot of different things that i still have to train her about being in taiwan, but she is already "trained" as a missionary.... so its not like she is a new missionary, she is doing great, and also i feel like she is training me in a way ahaha (: lets just say we learn a lot from each other (:

also... when a missionary "dies" that means they go home... haha (:(: so yes, sister anderson and sister george went home... sadly. it is really weird to think about. gahhhh the time is too short.... when you start seeing your companions going home. things get really real. but they were the best, i really did learn so much from them, so great!

today cleaning went really well. our apartment is looking really good! and you have no idea. but soon you will get a picture!!(:(: haha

 one thing that has been really apparent is all the repenting that i have been doing this week. haha, so glad that it can be a happy constant change.... and that we really are enabled. i feel the spirit, every time i talk and testify about the atonement and how christ died for us... and that because of him we can change!!! i love that video from last easter ... the because of him..... wow. i think  about it alot (: love it!! haha

so glad everyone is happy and healthy and chugging along!! keep doing awesome until school ends (:(: they got this!!!

i think that i really was able to overcome discouragement. and at this point. i really do feel very happy!!! so exciting!!!

love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: sister walker

we got banana shirts

we were sooo soaked. #elevatorselfie

 the old district


  1. I absolutely LOVE the bus contact story! That is exactly what a visiting seventy challenged the missionaries in Elder Hoagland's mission to do--and what a wonderful experience for Sister Walker and Sister Tate to be able to teach so many people because of following the Spirit's guidance to talk to that one woman! What a wonderful blessing for the potential of one extended eternal family! Yay! :) What a sweet sister missionary!

  2. We love hearing the wonderful stories you share. We are all so proud of you and pray for you everyday!! Love you Linds :)
    Aunt Jen, Uncle Glenn and kids
