Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, August 11, 2014


Well!!!! to describe the title of my email..... a lot of people here are buddhist... and haha! during practice teaching with my district leader... i asked him what his relationship with God was... and he replied which god? and  the only funny thing that came to mind was that quote..... haha (:
I don't have much time... I really should write this email at the beginning of my email time.... but that is ok (: I can just get the important stuff....
1. I am loving it here in Hualian with Sister George!!!! It is a party.
2. I bought my brand new bike!!! It is beautiful. I don't really want to spray paint it... and it is a miracle it all worked out. it was the perfect price. it was the perfect size. it came with everything i needed. it was the last one. i needed it right then. WOW God watches over His missionaries. I love my bike. it works so well and it is great to be able to ride all over! haha, I am starting to get the hang of where we are all the time, things are starting to become familiar to me.
3. Saying prayers work.
4. Sister George and I had our 1 week/ 1 year celebration, we got pizza and cake and celebrated and remenisced... (i don't remember how to spell that but you get the jist)
5. I am over my jet lag!! finally!!!! (: i can be a happy, awake missionary now!!
6. Fasting works. I fasted this last week for calmness. Felt it. It was there. I am calm. I feel completely at peace even though I have no idea what is going on or what anyone is talking about. (: yay!
7. there is so much good food here. here is a picture of some night market food and some mango ice!!!
8. Also.... I was going over a bridge this week and looked over... just thought the sight was so beautiful... and there was like 5 water buffallo just standing there in the river... took me a second to figure out what they were!!! haha, that was cool. (:
9. Funnies: we were knocking on some doors and came to this family.... got to talk with them and share a bit... the mom is buddhist (fojiaotu), the son is christian (jidutu) and the dad said he was (shuijiaotu) haha, never heard that one before! (that is like... sleeping is his religion! haha,
also! people do the siwang finger thing... like if someone died they just bend there index finger, crazy! kinda weird the first time i saw it... but sister george told me thats what it means haha (: also.... someone asked me how i got here and i said i was on an airplane.... what they really meant was by what means... and that was my mission call haha (:
10. Everyone here is so nice! The work is going forward.... (: and I am so glad to be a part of it!!! (:
love you all, Remember God is our Father. He loves us and wants to communicate with us. Let us all pray and read our scriptures more earnestly (:
Sister Walker

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