Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Sunday, August 17, 2014

#ridethatbikeuntilyouaredead #doitthenextday #ilovethegospel #ilovetaiwan

Hello everyone!!! I hope your week was absolutely fantastic!!!(:(:(:(:(:
Oh man, I just can't even. Every single second I am here, I just never want to leave!!!! Ok, I will keep this email short (:(:(:
1.just a few miracles: I had the amazing opportunity to go on exchanges with Sister Edwards (sister training leader) and then with Sister Miao (temple sister) this week! And wow, I guess everyone is right, you do see miracles when you are on exchanges. 1. We were riding our bikes to an appointment and Sister Edwards turned to talk to the person behind us, gave him a track and started talking... the light turned green and she asked if we could just come over to the side and keep talking, he said that'd be fine.... We find out that he is already Christian... totally not common! But cool, and so prepared too! He already has a relationship with God and we were able to testify and add a little more...Gave him a Book of Mormon and set up (I hope it goes well, he isn't in my area) but then at the end he said a beautiful prayer and said that was the first time he had prayed out loud in front of people, but he felt so good! Wow! 2. I was with Sister Miao and to be honest we were dying in the heat and we needed a toilet too. We just prayed that we could teach one good lesson and find an awesome investigator. We found just that, she let us come into her home and we just gave the first lesson right then, never has that ever happened to me before! So cool, she just really needed some comfort in her life and we were able to provide an opportunity for the spirit to comfort her heart.
2. people give us food. like bananas, mangoes, apples, peaches, crackers, cookies, water, juice, guava. i love it (:
3. Everything in taiwan is so cute. We seriously go into any store and I just sit there, and I just want it all. But then I think I get a little overwhelmed and I end up not buying anything haha, my family knows (: but ya. seriously. everything is so cute. and most of the time i don't know what i am going to do with all of these notebooks and book marks and pens and boxes and paper but thats ok (: haha! also they have these strips of paper that you make into  stars! wow, that is what I do during studies... i just read my book of mormon and make stars. they are so cute! (they have cats on them)
4. Our air conditioning was broken this week. We died. But its ok now (:
5. OK, so when you hear music playing down the street...don't look for the ice cream truck, because it is the garbage trucks that play music here!!! its a party every single time you take the trash out! They go down the street and everyone comes out of their houses and throws the trash in. so fun!
6. night markets. that is all i must say. on friday we went with the temple sisters, the sister training leaders and well... ourselves and went to the night market. we got there, said a prayer on the food that we would eat and went out.... trying everything! we mostly just split everything, its all so good tho. especially these one potatoe fry things... covered with plum powder wow. and also this waffle batter stuff filled with chocolate cream and cheese. wow, that sounds so unhealthy. but it was good and hot. haha!
7. My knees are healing from praying on that awful carpet at the mtc... i swear i had rough patches from praying on that ground all the time!
8. Ok, so Kuha'o Case came to taiwan!!! look him up on the internet, and his first place was Hualian!!! yay!!! so that was yesterday... he is so cool! Also this crazy flute playing kid went up and played this long complicated traditional song and then Kuha'o played the piano with him... and let me tell you this was a song that Kuha'o had never heard before and he just played it!!! wow!!! amazing. look him up! He also got to share with us his testimony and he played some really nice hymns, it was so touching! you can feel the spirit so strong from music!
9. OK so every morning basically... sister george and i get up and go excersice at this park and wow, there are so many old people there just doing yoga, stretching and tai chi and stuff! so cool!!! haha, i want to do that when i am old, haha they are always looking at us doing our workout and saying "xingku" which... i don't even know how to translate... just like "hard work" i guess haha, i don't really know if it is like a compliment but we always say "meiyou" like "no, no, really" haha idk. chinese is so fun tho!!! its weird to hear it all the time.... and it really is coming! slowly but it is coming! 
10. FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON. again that is (: it is such a good book, let me tell you. first, it is so clear it just lays out the plan of salvation, the doctrine of christ second, it gives comfort and answers our prayers third, it increases our desire to do good and when we read it with our family, it increases the good atmosphere in the home. fourth, it tells us what we need to do every single day (follow christ, keep the commandments, etc! etc!!) so good (:(:(:
love you all, please take some time everyday to read the book of mormon, it is awesome!!!(:(:(:
Also, always remember that God loves us and wants to help us. We just need to give everything to Him, our pains and suffering, weaknesses. and Jesus Christ understands. He has gone through everything. Love sharing Alma 7:11-14 with people. It is so touching to think about Christ's sacrifice for us and so humbling.
Sister Walker

1. this is our beautiful wall in our room, gives us motivation and these are the desks where we study at. so blessed! i love my apartment!

2.Sister Edwards and I on exchanges. finally got my waffle!!!!!!!!(: yum!!!(:(: and yummy papaya milk too!

3. Sister Edwards, Sister George, Sister Hibbert and I getting some breakfast..... it is a family picture too because... my trainer is my "mom" so Sister George is my mom and Sister Edwards trained Sister George so she is her "mom" and my grandma! haha, Sister Hibbert is my "great aunt" because she is my grandma's sister..... or something... she just might be a distant cousin.... haha!
Idk,mission lingo is so confusing!!!!! (:


  1. Soo so cute! She writes great letters. Amazing that our girls are practically together! Love her
