so the other day we were contacting at the park.... oh yes, that was on thursday... which also happens to be thanksgiving.... so on the way back before we did our weekly planning session, we stopped at a random place to get some food.... and i asked, hey what is the best thing... and there were like, well our turkey....and i was like, what? come again? and yes, it was turkey.(:
and that was the beginning of our thanksgiving feast miracle!
so after our weekly planning session we met with our less active friend, Andy Wu... and after the awesome lesson we said, happy thanksgiving! and they were like, huh? and afterward Andy asked where we were going... and we said probably just to find a place to go get food and then take it back home and grab a coat because it was suddenly FREEZING COLD! and he was like, i will go with you to that roast duck place... and so then he totally bought us a duck! how sweet! and then we took it home and it was so delicious and then we were really glad and grateful!!! and happy and warm. another thanksgiving miracle!! (: so fun!!
OK. so today we didn't really have any friends so Brother and Sister Chen took our whole district to lunch at NY Bagels.... so good! and then we went to the church and set up the christmas tree!!! it was soooo fun!!! we really are preparing for christmas (: i got to put on the lights (:
SOOOOOO MANY things happened this week. and ok.... where to start?
1. Brother Ding is doing good, he has really been thinking alot about baptism... we really have learned how to teach him, we just share with him scriptures and bear our testimony, it avoids arguments, and it makes everyone feel good inside (:(: he is still scared of commitment and restrictions, he wants to be perfect. as we all do.... so he is getting down on himself. we are reminding him to do the basic things, just read and pray, hopefully one of these days we can get him to church (:
2. NEW INVESTIGATOR! Brother Feng, super cool, he actually works at Micron! The same company as my dad! His hobbies enjoy shooting air soft guns, and he wants to make it to the olympics. and this is why i really love the mission, you get to meet all of these people and be friends with them and share with them something that is really going to help their lives. and they will still be the same person, with the same job, and same hobbies, and interests, but they will change. it is amazing.
3.TUESDAY we got to meet with ELDER STEVENSON, the newly ordained apostle!!! so cool, he is here in taiwan to pick up his son in the taizhong mission...... and anyways... it was a great meeting, and i learned so much of the importance of promising blessings and sharing testimony. after the meeting we went on exchanges... i went with sister bain and went to nankan (: my area.... and as we were going back we got on the mrt... and someone called us.. i didn't recognize the number and i answered it and it was sister jex.... and she was like, sister walker i have a surprise for you... and i am like ok.... and she gives the phone over to someone else who is just like, "sister walker, where are you?" and I am just like, "on the mrt" ...... and i am just really confused, and then she says, "sister walker, this is sister murdock"
and I just gasp, and the tears start coming
and she says, "I am here in taipei at the temple" and i say, "you just missed me we are going back to our area now"
and then all the thoughts come through my head..... can we go back, why did we leave so fast? i was going to take the chinese phase 3 test.... we were going to eat lunch in taipei.... why didn't we do all of those things.
because we wanted to get back to the area.
and then I ask myself, is this God's plan or is this one of those agency things.......
and so i just cry. and we go back. and I tell her I love her and I know I will see her soon (: She said, keep going! you are doing awesome!
and so we get back to nankan, and we go out finding, and then as we are on the street we meet our new investigator Brother Huang, who is soooo awesome!!! And while we are standing there talking with him, one of our other investigators comes walking down and she has been having a hard time lately, and we get to pray for her, and it was one of those moments that you knew if you weren't in that place right at that moment, we wouldn't have met those people. the miracles are sweet.
4. We have gotten all of the 4 seasons in one week
5. We had a ward thanksgiving party! Ding Ling was able to come!!! she had so much fun, there was so much food, and mashed potatoes and pie (: and then it was a super intense tournament of chinese checkers. (:
6.attended mission leadership conference on friday!!! So amazing! I learned so much, we really focused on belief and obedience brings blessings, and happiness, and how we need to do good followup! I am so excited to present our trainings in zone training meeting on tuesday (: I will let you know how it goes.....
7. In our ward we have like 3 Filipino members and we have a new investigator Jovy, they are so funny! I love them, they always love when I tell them that my dad went to the Philippines on his mission (: It is so different teaching them than teaching taiwanese, it is so fun though!
8. I HIT MY 18 MONTH MARK ON SATURDAY. wow...... we also got to do a car wash with the young men and young women with our ward, I washed my bike (:
I finished the old testament this week!!! Now I have read all the scriptures (:(:
I am so excited, things are going so amazingly, we are really focusing and getting down to business!
and for everyone's information I come into the boise airport on december 18th
and my homecoming is on december 27th at 9:00 am I assume (:
hope to see yall there (:
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