Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Sunday, November 15, 2015


BABIES ARE HAVING BABIES!! my mission daughter sister tate has a baby!! Sister Sylvester (: She is so sweet. This is just so exciting. ill send pictures next week (:

I also cut my hair. for FREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:(: haha, i had promised myself i wouldn't cut my hair on my mission.... well. lets just say it wasn't very healthy. anyway... last week we we missionaring... and we contacted these people, and it was really a good conversation point to talk about the massive tattoo of Jesus he had on his arm. Well, i don't even think he is christian... pop culture.. ughh. but no need to fear! We totally found out that he has met with missionaries before, and his friend hadn't.... so we were able to have a quick share with them and as we were talking.....they were like, your hair is so curly, and then they asked like, how do i do it....etc. etc. they are hair stylists.... and they have this thing at their salon... like a homework to do. and so they offered us a free haircut! and so we just scheduled it for next pday.... (last pday) and we go... they take a picture of us, and then they wash it, and cut it and do it.... and i am just praying the whole time because they are just like, i have never seen/cut anyones hair like this before. woooooh. and i told them i have actually only had one person cut my hair since i was like 14.... ha. anyway,... i think we were all a little nervous. it worked out fine. he only trimmed it, but it looks/feels so much shorter!!!! anyway....... they made it really really poofy. but they liked it. its whatever really. haha, they took an after shot... i wish i had the pictures!!!! anyway..... and that was pday (: i pulled some of it back... but here it is ..........

NO PICTURE CAME>>>>Here is The DING FAMILY! well, just mom and younger daughter xuanyi (: Brother Ding was taking the picture, and other daughter Ding Ling was at school.... (: I love them so much! We are really working with Brother Ding, he is doing really well, and they are all preparing for baptism!!! So exciting!!! (:(:(: I love them! (:

this is Sister Qiu and daughter FeiFei (: so cute! (: they are doing really well!!!

I ALSO HAVE A NEW COMPANION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow. NUMBER 12. her name is Sister Cardon, this is us with Brother Chi opening his mission call... he is going to the montreal canada mission chinese speaking.. but he goes to the mtc and learns french. crazy, i know he will do well! But, yes Sister Cardon is so great, we really have been having a great couple of past days. She is from Provo Utah and she has been on her mission for the same time as Sister Cutler... and just like Sister Cutler was also born in this area and has come back!!! That did not happen by chance (: 

Sister Sagisi went home this week but she gave me a really good piece of advice... she said for your last transfer you just need to think that you have 2 transfers. (but not like in a your in denial way) just that for your last transfer you have 6 weeks. but you have to do 2 transfers worth of work in only those 6 weeks. 
it really is exciting tho! I am ready and willing. I know that Christ will make up for my imperfections and I just have to go and do. (: Yesterday at church we were talking about leaders... and how they are just a tool... and how if i am a hammer...... i do not need to fear, i only need faith because I am in God's hands, He directs me. All i need to do is be obedient. He is perfect and will let me do what I am meant to do. I just need to trust in God and what is going on and hold on for the ride (:

And it should be an exciting one. 


our rc friend jiu just got hers yesterday!!! and we went out to eat with her and we talked about patriarchal blessings.... so cool. it is such an amazing blessing in my life!!!!! so happy (:(: 

we got taken out to dinner because sister cutler was leaving :( but yay!

i got an ear infection... but no worries. i am feeling just like new today (:

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