so, let me tell you a story. we went to go visit some members on Saturday because they said that there was going to be a holiday for the aboriginal Taiwanese people.... and we were like... can we meet you friends? and they said of course! And we will feed you dinner and you can see our traditional clothes and dancing.......
And so it was a deal. and then we went and they had games going on and we got to try on the clothes!!!!!! but we had to leave before the dancing. but i am sure it was so cool.
so here i am.... i felt like a princess!! so fun (: but so expensive. we asked how much it would cost for them to make them for us.... and then said approx. $700-800 american dollars....after the
i don't think i have worn anything that expensive in my life. we were very very careful.
let me tell you, not just everyone gets this experience. i feel so lucky!! it was only last weekend.... and we knew the right people. |
it is so funny because the boys "skirts" are shorter than the girls skirts. haha, they also had this rite of passage ritual thing.... the boys of certain ages had to pass all of these tests like fishing.....running..... and basically whatever the "elders" said. pretty cool!
what i love about the aboriginal people is that they focus so much on the family. just like our church. just like our life. also. there are so many connections with the gospel.
IT IS TRUE. everything testifies of it. and i am sure at one point Jesus must have visited these people.
recently we have been doing a lot of finding because all of our investigators.... fang'ed us. which means stood us up. but thats ok. we are finding lots of NEW great, miracles.
FOR EXAMPLE. the other day we were riding back from the appointment that our investigator fanged us.... and then it started raining... and we were thinking... could there be anything worse? and then right at the stoplight before we went to the family mart to buy the rain ponchos.... there was a miracle waiting for us. and there was a lady sitting there buying some pineapples. and she was smoking.. and whatever. and i said hi! and she was like, are you christian? and i said yes. haha (: and then she proceeds to tell us that she had just said to here sister that she thinks she needs to go back to church.... and then we showed. up. she said, wow God really did plan this. And so my companion is like, can we pray for you. and she says yes, please! sister Giles starts praying, asking God to help her feel His love. and then she starts weeping. and well, almost to the point of hysterical crying,. and we finish the prayer and her eyes are red. and she says, I KNOW GOD LOVES ME. and that was amazing. and she was so happy to get the book of Mormon.
and moments like that make it all worth it. she said she knew it would be hard. but she knew it was something she needed to do. she already knew that she needed to stop smoking and drinking. it was something that she knew wasn't going to help her. and that is the truthfulness of the gospel too.
love you all.
sister walker (:
also... check this out!! this is some graffiti in the tunnel under the railroad says keelung boy in taitung..... but i just covered boy.... and now it reads.... keelung sister walker in taitung. and it is true. i love all of my areas. (:(: |

I WANT YOU AND DAD TO COME PICK ME UP. (:(:(:(:(:(: I LOVE YOU!!you know i was praying and thinking and pondering. and i was eating a mango.
and then i was like. what did lehi do when he ate really good fruit?and then i knew what to do (:(:
hello Mommy....
week was so good (: and you need to save those pics from the hou family because i don't have them!!! its just the ones they take.... so good (: he is the best! today he is taking all twelve of the taidong missionaries out on an adventure!!!
also..... here is the outside of our house. i will send the inside next week..... and that is my lovely companion.
sister giles is from pleasant grove utah and she is 20 years old on this thursday!!! woohooO!!!!! so exciting!!! she went to BYU for the same year i did... but she lived in heritage... she was actually in mykaela's ward. woowww!!! small world huh?
she loves soccer and chocolate. (: she is the 3rd of 4 kids..... she has an older sister and older brother.... who does that sound like? but she has a younger brother.... she is so fun to be with!!! we have the best time missioning!!!
language is going good (: and we are so happy to be here! i love working hard!!! actually.... in sunday school we had a lesson on work and stuff. and i was just so grateful to have my amazing family that teached me how to work. i know it has helped me in all aspects of my life.
i will read that talk!!! not today... but tomorrow (:(:
ALSO!!!!!!!!i have a very important question to ask you people. do you read the book of mormon everyday as a family? as an individual? if not. do it! please. please. please. that is a major part of keeping your testimony strong. LOVE YOU ALL
wow!!! so crazy about the changes. but it is all going where it is suppose to go and christ and god are unchanging so that is all that matters (:
wow. that sounds like a great letter! lets do that. it is so true. i want to see that letter. (:
and ya, so crazy!!! everyone is starting to come home weird huh? landon is extending..... he will be home in november too!! wow! this is all so crazy. calla apparently gets home in november too... she has a shorter mission than me by about a whole month! wow. also.... you can talk to them about scheduling things when you come to taiwan and stuff (:(:
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!(;
we get ice cream all the time.....
and we found this archeological site!!! it was so cool!!! also the site director is our investigator now (:(:

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