this week was amazing. we are exhausted. but good. we just feel mentally, physically and spiritually drained.
this place is amazing. one of the few i have liked right away. it is the promised land. we have so many amazing people that are so prepared.....
for example:
Wang Yu Ting: she is the older sister of another investigator who has actually gone mia for a bit. haha, she told us last night that she is so happy to be learning about christ. (:
Zheng Rou Ping: she has been having this feeling that she needs to go to church since she was in college..... she has finally started going to church with her friend at another church.... she has a son and husband... i don't think they have a very good relationship... she has met missionaries about 10 years ago and they told her about the importance of families etc. and she is very curious. she asked our member we brought to her lesson.... the one we set up after we met her the first time and she asked about what rules we have.... and that is the time that we taught all of the commandments in the first lesson. haha. and she didn't bat an eye. wow.
Ou Ya Jun: she is 16 years old and living on her own..... she feels like she can't face christ because she has made mistakes. she wants to be baptized but is scared because her grandma might be against it... becuase she is in another christian church.
Zhang You Zhi (Yuki):she is the cutest little lady who loves to play ping pong. she can talk your ear off but loves repentance. she is nervous about baptism but wants to read the whole book of mormon because she believes it has the answers to all her questions.
Lin Xing Zhao and her brother Gu Zheng Jie: they are a prepared brother and sister 16 and 13.... and the mom and dad love us coming over... they just can't really progress until the mom and dad start meeting with us. so that is what we are working on.. we had a surprise lesson the other day on exchanges with all of them.
one of them was this guy.... and he was sitting there sanding his car... getting ready to paint it.... and he didn't have any time... but he said that his mom was christian... we asked if we could go visit her and he said yes!! she would be so happy!! so we get the address.... and it is BinLang Road #683..... and i thought we could just go pop by and no. about 30 minutes later up the road we finally made it. haha, sister giles had never been up the road that far.... haha she was the cutest little lady that you ever did see!! i will send a picture.... she only spoke taiwanese.... so we really had the gift of tongues.... we could make out enough to have a good lesson with her.... she had this amazing piano... and so sister giles played her nearer my god to thee... the only song she can play on the piano... and the grandma starts singing along!! she pulls out this book of hymns... it has so many that we knew!! and they were translated into taiwanese!!!!!! we got some good pics... we are going to practice one and perform it for church someday. wow. this lady has so much faith in christ. you could feel it. even though we couldn't understand her and she couldn't understand us. it was an amazing moment.
ALSO!! all the missionaries and our mission leader spoke in church on sunday, another 10 minute talk..i feel like i could have gone on forever tho.
i talked about the Holy Ghost.
1. what the holy ghost feels like and how to recognize its role as the comforter ( read in John 14:16-19 and 26-28 or something like that)
2. how to rely on the spirit through trials ( i shared about pioneers and my experience with sister price)
3. how we can always enjoy the spirit in our lives. (read scripures, pray, come to church and keep the commandments)
it was so great. i love church (:
*****************funny moment... right now we are sitting in the internet cafe and these kids are all playing their games together and this guy just yelled out that he hadn't resurrected yet. and that would only be funny if you were a missionary.***********
I still have a lot to go...... to learn.... but i am grateful for amazing leaders and the for the guidance of the Spirit in my life.
I AM SPRINTING TO THE END>so if I seem more focused. that is why (:
LOVE, sister walker (:

update!!!! SEAN got baptized in JIlong.... my last area... i found him by talking to him on a scooter at a stoplight!!!! wow!!!! also... sister lindsay's new companion looks a lot like me!!! weird!!!!
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