Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Broken Hearts and Contrite Spirits


It was a great first week with my awesome companion Sister Cardon!!! It feels like we have been companions FOREVER.... in a good way! she feels like an old friend (: this is our amazing district!!!! our district leader got us doughnuts from krispy kreme... because he had gone to taipei for a meeting and so before english class we got to plan and eat (: so fun!

So sorry that apparently the picture of the Ding Family didn't go through last week.... but here is Sister Ding (older sister, she is a sophomore in high school) and Sister Ding (younger sister, she is five years old and like the cutest thing ever)

they got to come with us to a baptism on friday! they loved it (: Sister Ding (mom) and Sister Ding (older sister) are getting baptized December 6th! woohoo!!! Brother Ding is going to come and he is so happy that they are being baptized, he is just not quite ready himself, we are praying for him!

We met with Ding Mom this past week and shared Moroni 6:2 about a broken heart and contrite spirit, and it is so amazing to see our investigators prepare for baptism. you really know when they are ready when they are humble, and repentant and have a desire to follow Christ. 

Sister Jergensen shared with us last month about a broken heart is not like your heart is made of glass and it is broken and so it doesn't work... like a mug with a hole in it and is useless...that needs to be fixed.... it is actually more like a horse. when you have a baby horse, before you can ride it, you need to break it. and this means that it yields to its master. This is the kind of broken heart that we need. Another way i like to think about it is that our heart is hard like a stone before and when it is broken it means that it can be expanded. God can make it more. it can become bigger, you can let other things, people, Christ in.
I think that there is another type of broken heart. The kind that Jesus Christ on the cross ached from when He said Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. 

Last week we were preparing for Sister Qiu and Andy's baptismal interview. We had already discussed everything and she and andy bore a powerful testimony of why they wanted to be baptized. That sunday, they didn't show up, and then we haven't been able to get in contact with them. Sister Qiu sent us a text saying that she is afraid she can't pay tithing, she is sorry and misses us. It has been a week since we have seen them. SO SAD. I just turned to my companion and was just like, 

"Why do they break our heart?"

Sometimes I think, this is probably how Heavenly Father feels about us. 

I got to experience a little bit of that. 

I think my heart is becoming more broken, and my spirit more contrite. And you can't do nothing but thank God for the trials. Because out of trials comes the faith, the miracles, the wisdom, the courage, the power.

WE ARE STILL FULL OF FAITH!!!! We are working with their friends in the ward, and we are loving, waiting with patience, and continue to invite them, to everything (: 

I will make sure to keep everyone updated with the miracles we see (:

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sister walker

COME UNTO CHRIST. Prepare yourself with a broken heart and contrite spirit to take the sacrament next week (:

oh and that picture........

HERE IS MY GRAND BABY!!! (: #threegenerations

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