Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


well, i mean zone leaders only have so many privileges... and one of them is to torture you before telling you anything about transfers...... so they call and ask how your day was.. then make you guess then... say you are wrong.. and then make you guess again...... well. finally. we found out. i was the one moving. :( bahhh. so sad. but i think we all knew that was coming. i could feel like it was time to go too. :(

it was a really great week... and that always seems to happen (:(: you get moved. 

AND so we were sitting there in transfer meeting which was huge because it was the whole mission pretty much. and president day sang to us, and the missionaries going home said their testimony... and so did president and sister day and we have this powerpoint... that says where everyone is going... it goes by zone.... and so we were going through... and i hadn't really thought about it.... but i looked up at the taidong zone and there was sister giles picture and i was like... what if my picture shows up next to her's? and then. boom. it did. and because she wasn't there at transfer meeting, i could get up and give her a hug, so i just hugged sister lindsay. and it was crazy. i was just shocked. what? going back down to the east coast?? 

and so that adventure began....

so we went to transfer meeting... and yup. i knew that i was going... but had no idea where.. i was hoping that i would stay close in taipei or taoyuan... but no... i went to the furthest part of our mission... from taipei it is about 6 hour train ride.... but we split it up... on friday (transfer day) we took the train down to hualian!!! my first area!! it was a totally weird kinda flashback....... got to go around my area that night... and i had actually left a few things in the apartment that i could pick up haha, and then in the morning went to the same park for exercise and got the same food for breakfast. it was so good. amazing. i was just blown away. that i was there a year ago.... approximately. wow. anyway... woke up... got ready and went back to the train station..............

SO NOW I AM IN TAIDONG!!! one of the most beautiful places in taiwan. it is great. but all of taiwan is beautiful. but this is on the east coast. and it is paradise. haha. AND SO FLAT> ahah

here are some pics of the train ride!!!!!!!!!!

LOOK!!! i am back with sister tate!!! sister tate is here too... we are in the same zone again!!! woohoo!!! so happy (:(: my new companion is sister giles she is from pleasantville utah.... and she is so fun!!! we were at byu together.. but again didn't know her before... so crazy. she was actually in mykaela's ward....

we are having a great time!! i love it (:(: i am happy and even though change is hard. it is good. and i love my mission. and i only have 4 transfers left. and that freaks me out. 
I am really excited for this next little bit. I really love my companion. We have only been together... for 3 days! But it has been great, we really are learning a lot together. we are co-da... which means we are co senior. and so we just are learning so much!! wow!!!

I am so happy. And we have seen so many miracles! In my past area we have found some really great investigators that are preparing to be baptized, so sad that I had to leave that.... But a miracle I have seen in my new area, is getting to meet so many amazing humble people that are open and ready for the gospel. It really is amazing. I am so excited for this week! This area is having a baptism! So exciting to see the work keep going wherever you go. 

Recently I have been thinking about how of course we all have our individual missions... but we really are ONE mission. We work together and every week when we have baptisms all over the mission it is all of ours. We are team Jesus and we are all influence each other. Everyone has a little part in each effort. And no effort is wasted. 

Some goals that we have had with our challenges this week is to do better with our time management. We really want to use our time well, and sprint to the end. 

Oh man, in jilong... i was so fit. the hills.....i was in such good shape... haha, at transfer meeting sister wood and sister tan were like, you lost weight!! so funny. but i am flattered. haha. just so everyone knows. haha if you can't tell based on those rice cheeks they have gotten lessened.... ghaha


also love you all!!! have a good one (:(: will be tan by next email time... or burnt.... i guesss we will see haha. 

love, sister walker

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