Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hey mommy thanks so much the pictures!!!! i am soooo soooo soooo sooooo jealous you have snow. like seriously. so funny haha, we are just riding our bikes here and maybe the wind is a little more.... windy. ha, anyways....... at stop lights we always talk to people and they just look at us like we are crazy because maybe we have a cardigan on... but no coat and they are all bundled up in their full on winter gear like you guys.... and ha, it is always a conversation starter. haha, i always say... well im from america... and right now they have snow, so this is really ok, haha, they love that. 

so glad that kody is doing so good on his games! i am cheering on!!!! i know that they can get state champs!!! that'll be sooo cool, this year its gonna, happen, send me a picture with the trophy, i want to put it with the one i have of kody and his rugby trophy (:(:

This week, has been really great. One thing that was really cool was that we got to go on exchanges. I always love learning from other missionaries and it was really cool. I got to stay in ZhuNan and while I feel like I really don't know the area that well. We didn't get lost... we saw so many miracles. We got to meet with so many investigators. We got another baptismal date with a new investigator that... it was our first time meeting with her. She was just a potential. We had originally set up with another investigator... an hour before she cancelled... we just decided to keep our peike and just drop by this potential's house. Well, we drop by, and she was there and it was perfect timing... She said that she felt like she had no goals/ purpose in life, that she is sad, and needs some help. She needs God. We got to share plan of salvation with her, and we invited her for the December 20th, she said... if we work hard together then yes. We promised blessings and said that we would all work hard together, gave her the Book of Mormon to read from and taught her how to pray. She loves prayer, she thinks it will really help her, I know it will!!

thanks for the email, this week, it was a really good one (; it helped so much. know that there are miracles going on here. so many, and i wish i could write them all.... i will keep replying to this email next week love youuuu (:(:

Love You,

Sister Walker

oh ps. people in taiwan love frozen too. actually playing let it go at the internet cafe right now. 
cool fact (: ya.

 i made rice pudding, thanks Aunt Jen :)

i spilled the rice all over. it was sad. but you know, no use crying over spilled rice. ha

i got mashed potatoes from home, so fun!!!

here are some old taiwanese grammies (: they are sooo cute. (: 

sister anderson and i right outside of the chapel... there is this beautiful bush flower thing right outside

this is a taiwanese door if you ever did see one. look at that pineapple. ha

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