Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Exciting!  The Lord's work is moving along so quickly in Taiwan...We received from Sister Walker last week and wanted to share!!  Click on the NEW TAIPEI CITY MAGAZINE Link below to is in Chinese...but lots of great pictures :)

Attached you fill find a copy of the September 2014 New Taipei City Magazine.  This magazine is distributed throughout all New Taipei City (which basically is all of Taipei County except Taipei City itself).

I invite you to take a look at the article.  You will see that we are not only the lead story, but we also made the cover of the magazine. It has pictures of and information about missionaries, members, the Book of Mormon, the First Vision, the temple, chapels, families and other interesting things.

We are in the process of trying to obtain a copy for all missionaries in the Taipei area to use as a contacting and proselyting tool.  How easy will it be to show the citizens of Taipei and New Taipei City their own magazine and then ask them about the article which discusses our church and specifically you?

If you can get a copy and start using it before Elder & Sister Baird can secure them for you, please go ahead and start using this new and exciting contacting tool.

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