Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Monday, September 21, 2015

THE WEATHER IS CHANGING. literally it is almost fall.

WOW!!!! another week!!!!! THINGS ARE JUST FLYING BY!!!!!!!!!!!

and our friends are doing good. we have our lovely Brother Xu (: ah! let me tell you a story about him.... ok, so we had set up that we were going to go over and visit him, and he called us and said that he was so tired tonight because he just got off work.... he said we could come over on friday and we said we couldn't because we already had a plan to go take the train to a really far away area..... and then i just asked him, Xu DiXiong, what do you do for work? still confused. but i asked him when he had work off, he said that he gets 4 days off a month. what? and they are all just random times. then he said that actually he has 2 jobs. and that job is the same way.. only 4 days off per month. and it is not guaranteed that those days line up. i really have no idea how he lives. and guess what, his wife works all day... and doesn't get home until about 9 pm and then when she has work off she goes to gaoxiong for classes. what? what is this life? but guess. what. something melted my heart. i asked if he got a chance to pray. and he said yes! i prayed before i ate my food. what? wow! how amazing that is. that not even at a time that he needed God's help. or to ask for anything that he waited to eat food to pray to God. wow.

we had stake conference on sunday. so many emotions!!!! I seriously almost felt like it was like the celestial kingdom. i got to see all the members from hualian again.... all the way back a whole year ago..... wow!!!!! it was the best thing ever. also. got to meet with my investigator that got baptized after i left...... Sister Yang, she isn't doing so good. but i hope that it rekindled a fire that I know is still burning in there. so amazing to see the progress of a whole year!!! WE ARE A STAKE!!!!!!!!!!! wow. amazing. 

cool story: on tuesday we had outdoor zone conference. guess what. the same time and place as last year!!!! feeling so trippy! haha, nostalgic. and we were walking along and i remembered that i had sent a referral to the hualian elders a few weeks ago and we never heard about them..... and they were so cool! anyway... so i find the elders and i am like... we gave you that referral the other day, remember and how are they? and he was just like, oh they are awesome, they are getting baptized next week! what?!?! the happiest moment ever. that made that whole day like 100X better than it already was!!! wow!!! i have never gotten that response before!!! so awesome (: so happy!!!!

and at stake conference we got to see them again!!! the mom wasn't there, she is really busy on the weekends, but the two boys and the grandma are getting baptized next week!!! wow!!!! we found them, and everyone was saying, wow, i am so grateful because now they get to be in our ward. they were so happy! they love it there. the grandma was going to come back to taidong... but then if she had... then there wouldn't be anyone to take the sons to church so she decided to stay. wow. so amazing.

here is from the outdoor zone conference!!!! TAROKO GORGE!!! one of the most beautiful places in the world!!!! haha, this everyone was just coming up to me and just being like, wow, you are dressed so taiwanese... that even taiwanese people don't even dress that taiwanese. haha, mostly the pants. haha (: thank you thank you. 

also. i love my companion,.sister komatsu is the best thing ever. and she is perfect hugging size! haha

wow!!! it is becoming fall. you can totally feel it... we were riding back the other day at night and it was raining a little bit and it was cold! weird! i totally forgot how that felt! haha, not to the point where we need to break out the cardigans yet... but soon. weird. i wonder if it won't be as cold in taidong. i really hope i don't move.... this week is transfers. i am a little nervous. at outdoor zone conference i was walking next to president, and i was just like, so do you know whats going on for transfers that you'd like to share? and he was just like, i don't know yet sister walker.... haha and then later he realized that elder michaelis and i were at the same outdoor conference last year. the only ones! and he was like wow, that is amazing, and i was like, you are so right.... its like i was here at the beginning... and now almost to the end, huh? huh? haha, he just laughed. i love our mission president! haha, he is so great, his talk in stake conference was like the best too!!!

it was about sharing the gospel. him and his family had this goal to give out book of mormons and share the gospel. and so he did it. but he needed some encouragement from his sons on a business trip... such a funny story. haha, everyone was laughing so hard. but i really liked at the end he explained that there is only 3 things that we need to do to share the gospel. 1. share our personal experience 2. bear testimony 3. introduce the missionaries. the missionaries will help. and it is so true! if only we could do this better as members.
he was so proud of us. we just feel like his kids too (:

i have too much to say and no more time!!!! just know that God is in charge. of everything. no need to worry. To be humble means to be confident in Him.

love sister walker (:

train ride home from hualian!

we met some cute friends.... (:(: we talked to them for about 2 hours haha (:
and i opened my package!!! thanks so much!!!!!!
 i am soooo excited! you are all the best!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sister Walker,
    You are doing such a great missionary work. I know from experience that the last few months can be powerful. Ask for faith to find the one, Become a little more purer in your thoughts and prayers, make way for the Holy Ghost to help and you will be successful right up until the day you leave your mission. The Lord will go before your face, he will be on your left hand and on your right and his spirit will be in your heart and angels round about to bear you up. Love you precious grand daughter. Love Grandma
