Just kidding I live in TAIWAN>but close enough (:
here is sharon's baptism.
she is great. i love her.
also taiwanese little girls are the cutest.
i love jilong!! i don't want to leave... but transfer day is coming up... we will see what happens.

here are some amazing member's and our investigator tony!!! tony is getting baptized... he just needs to stop drinking tea. he is totally addicted. haha (:(: but its ok. because tea is a very very small problem (: COMPARED TO GOD'S POWER its a piece of cake. (:

ALSO!!! something amazing happened!!!!!!!
Last weekend... Hualian... my first area became a STAKE!!!!!!!!!! Our mission is the only one in the Asia area to have no more districts. wow. so cool.
please read..................................................................................From President Day...
Anciently, the prophet Daniel prophesied of a “the stone [that] was cut out of the mountain without hands.” [Daniel 2:45]
We know through modern revelation that this stone refers to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In D&C 65:22 we read:
“The keys of the kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth.”
We are part of this work. We are rolling “the stone.”
The rolling of that “stone” saw the “keys of the kingdom” come to Hualien this weekend.
On behalf of myself and Sister Day, as well as all of the Saints in the new Hualien Stake, we thank every single missionary who played any part, no matter how great or small, in helping this historical event to take place.
On June 21, 2015—a day never to be forgotten in the Taiwan Taipei Mission—the last member district became a Stake of Zion. The Saints there now have a “refuge from the storm” with all necessary priesthood keys. They now have a High Priest Quorum with functioning high priests to further bless the lives of the Saints. Upon approval from the Quorum of the Twelve, they will have a patriarch who can bless the Saints through patriarchal blessings. What a major event in the history of Taiwan.
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:(:(:
sorry no time to write (:(:
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