Ok, so, long story to a short story.....
1. sister Lai's baptism was cancelled, when she didn't answer our calls, because she wasn't home..... but finally we got a hold of her because we found her husband's self phone number miraculously! She said that she couldn't get baptized because there was something important that she had to do. We didn't understand.
2. We called the bishop 30 minutes before to let everyone know.
3. it was really sad because the ward members said things like, "i knew she wasn't ready" "she doesn't have enough faith" "we already filled up the baptismal font and now we have to let the water out" etc.
4. We were feeling kinda down, but church the next day really helped. You really can feel God's love at church, and so many other ward members were really supportive saying, "God thinks you are still a great missionary, because you did the right, you taught her the gospel, it is her responsibility now"
5. we were grateful that it happened before her baptism and not after. She said that she couldn't come to church too. We still called her the next day though and she said we could go over at night, we got our ward mission leader to come with us. And there she was, just as happy as ever to see us, we gave her these huge hugs and she said, I am so sorry I fanged you!! We sat down and started talking, she said that with her family something came up that was just as important. Her niece had died in a car accident and the other day they had to help with everything. WOW. She said that it was fine, and they weren't that close. But then she started to cry because she was so touched that we were there visiting her, that some of the members had called and asked how she was doing and that Christ was helping her through this hard time. She said, just give me a few days to get everything ready and let things settle down. She said, but I do have time tomorrow to get baptized. She really is ready and the spirit testified to my heart that the things that we are doing are right, and that it isn't according to our time table. I believe that as we work hard this week that we can get her family to come to her baptism, who original said that they didn't want to come.
6. SHE IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY. The picture below is her so happy for her new baptismal calendar!! even though it is only a week long and we have already shared with her all the lessons (: haha, she cried for joy (:
I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:
and there it is. and it is not about us. and all we have to do is trust in God. and even though we may doubt. we keep relying on the things we know. and we pray and we read our scriptures and go to church and we get over it through Christ's help (:
I read in Jacob 5:21 to the end.
I love 21 and 22. it says.....
"And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: How comest thou hither to plant this tree, or this branch of the tree? For behold, it was the poorest spot in all the land of thy vineyard. And the Lord of the vineyard said unto him: Counsel me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; wherefore, i said unto thee, i have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit."
And sometimes that is how I feel. Maybe that is how all of us feel... Being on the mission I have felt more happiness, and more sorrow, and I have never been more confident and I have never been more aware of my weaknesses. But the Lord knows. He loves us. And all we have to do is rely on His power. It is his work. and we do not counsel him. He knows. He didn't leave us, He never left Sister Lai and he did not leave jilong. And He won't ever. (:
we have a crazy former investigator. she said, i got you a gift!!! It is so important to your church and it was printed in America, and it is even more important than the book of mormon because it is newer. And i was thinking in my head "I doubt that".... but anyway..... here it is......
a book written by the fundamentalist LDS church.
FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I DID NOT READ IT. even though i was curious (: thanks to sister tate, i refrained my self (: haha.
i am sorry that i keep confusing which day i am going to the temple. it is actually next week!!! so next week i will be emailing on wednesday and we also get to go to the zoo!!!(:(: so exciting!!!
LOTS OF LOVE. read your scriptures. they are great. trust God. love everyone. (:
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