Well, this past friday I celebrated my 6 MONTH MARK, wow, can you believe it? I know i can't. CRAZY.
This week was probably one of the fastest ones of my mission so far, i literally feel like it was just yesterday emailing all you about last week..... crazzzyy!!!
Like I keep saying crazy right. Wednesday we realized that we didn't have anyone making pie. So sister Anderson and I went to the store running around looking for something that could be pie filling....... it was ridiculous, trying to describe to the people working there.... like we need fruit, you know like in a can... haha, and so they were like you mean like this? they took us over to the fresh produce and we were like no... not really..... then they took us to the dried fruit.... and then finally, found some canned peaches!!!!!!!! Then we grabbed some sugar and apples and cinnamon.
WE MADE TWO PIES. Whipped up the crust and made a peach and apple pie. Put it out with everything else we had.... then got the first taste. so good. within a few minutes it was gone and it was so sad because not everyone got to taste it. haha, they all said we had to make it again, so maybe we will for christmas! haha (:
oh man, we totally made hand turkeys with the kids and they wrote what they were grateful for, and we also had a "grateful tree" where everyone had a leaf and wrote what they were grateful for and then put it on the tree... haha, we are going to keep it up until christmas! so fun!
Wow, one miracle that was really cool.... we were going to visit a potential... and well, so happens... she didn't have anytime to meet right then... so we just walked around talking to other people... it was so loud though because well, these past few months they have been preparing for the election and FINALLY on saturday it ended. So anyways.... taiwanese people know how to party, there are parades all times of the day all week long all the time, they have so many fireworks, they are so loud! and cool, and they have these trucks that drive around a play music and say to vote for a specific person...... and ya, anyways.... it was really loud, and right when we were going to turn back... there was this guy that got out of his car..... we kept walking to our bikes, but we realized that he had followed us.... because that is where his house was! He was like are you christians? and we said, ya are you? He said he could count for one. We started talking to him, and while we didn't have much time, we got his number and we are going to come back and teach him and help him quit smoking! so cool. That was a miracle.
I've noticed that, well, right when you seem to be going through the trial of faith... no one is interested... we aren't finding anybody.... whatever. maybe you are kind of doubting a little bit. maybe your faith is a little low, God always seems to be like, oh no, wait a second. Then we see a miracle. It has happened over and over again. I don't know why I could ever doubt for a second, I don't know why I could ever feel discouraged for a second. Right around the corner is the miracle. WOW.
Everyone, keep pushing through. Rely on God. He always comes through. What a nice Guy (with a capital G) haha
Happened again... we got this sweet new investigator, she is such a sweet lady. She loves prayer, We found her at the last door, the last 5 minutes.... (:
Keep your head up, let your hair down, and believe in miracles. (:
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1. We went to tempanyaki.... or however you spell it.... so good (: |
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2. pie!!(: yumm, that was the peach one.... |
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