i know it is like 3 in the morning right now for you (: but today we got to the temple so it is our pday.... it is wednesday for us. so i am sorry i didn't tell you that we couldn't email on monday.... this is my first time going to the temple for temple days because i was in hualian before and it was too far away, now that i have moved we get to go... so i didn't know that our pday changed too. but just so you know i got your package!! (:(: i love it so much! so happy (:(: haha, i am going to make myself some mashed potatoes tomorrow (:(: yum! but ya, so today i got to go to the temple, it was so amazing, i tried to prepare myself and really focus to get some revelation. it was really cool. we got to do endowments first then we got to do like 10 names of initiatory and part of it was in chinese so that was really cool (: one of our ward members from hualian was working in the temple today!! it was so cool, she got to help me with part of the initiatory and ya! when i saw her i just ran and gave her this big hug because i feel she is like my grandma (: she is the best! haha, so it was good. and it is always a special experience to go to the temple... (: love. it. ha. oh man, everyone please pray for sister anderson, she hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days so we have been taking it easy, poor thing :( it must be the worst to be sick on your mission because you feel so guilty trying to sleep and feel better, i am trying my best to comfort and help her! but ya, ha a funny thing that happened this past week was..... we were knocking... and we found this old lady... and they always say...i am buddhist... i am not christian, our religions are different..... anyways... we were just talking to her about forever families and she invited us in, and her husband came out and he was like come in, come in, so we got to have a lesson with them, they think that christianity is good and prayer is good because their oldest son is also christian and when he visits he prays with them. so that was cool! we set up a time to come back and bam. 2 new investigators! and then... as we were about to leave... they were like have you eaten yet... and we said that we hadn't we were just about to go... and they were like wait wait wait. we will take you out... so we go to this pretty nice hot pot place and they pay for it. and we just have a party. that was soo fun, and afterwards, they were just like you call us grandma and grandpa. and i was like ok! oh man, they were so worried about our safety and were telling us which road to get out and everything. it was really cool. haha, kinda reminded me of alma and amulek... you know... alma goes back to the city of ammoniha and then he meets amulek and amulek is just like, i will feed you and be your investigator... and then i will be your companion. so cool huh? i love that. also, we had a cool opportunity in zone meeting on tuesday... oh well, i guess that was yesterday.. our zone meeting started and then... guess who walks in? president day! crazy, i just turn to sister anderson and im just like is this normal, and she was just like, this has never happened before... haha. so anyways, he was just like i don't know why i am here, but he felt impressed to come and train us a little. we need to work smarter and with the spirit. we can't do things mechanically even though it is hard, because with chinese, we usually have like a way we like to say things, and thats.... correct grammar... haha, so we really are going back to the basics. being completely obedient. and using preach my gospel to its fullest. because it is really amazing. almost kinda like a smart phone. but, if we only use it like an old brick nokia... (those are the ones we have in our mission) haha. then we are not using it to its fullest capacity. so that is what i am going to try and focus on (:(: it is exciting, and also scary. i sometimes don't know if i can do it. sometimes it is hard to follow the spirit. sometimes it is hard to know exactly what to say. but i guess part of it is just practice. one thing that i remember from this week was that we were knocking doors and this college aged-girl came to the door, and while we were talking, i felt impressed to promise her that through this gospel her life wouldn't become smoother, but that she would have extra power to accomplish the things she needed to do. it was cool, i have never said that before to anyone. it was definitely a moment i didn't go into auto control. so thats cool (: haha
i love you all so much! thanks for the pictures, i love to see them all! so excited that kody won!!!! when is state? do you know who you are going to play? (: i love you all so much, you all look so cute in your halloween outfits, good job lacey with your band concert! how did hunting go dad? what are you up to mom?
love you, next week i will reply to your email, we didn't have much time today because we took the bus back from taibei.... (: so i will cover everything better next week (: love you so much!!! so excited you are eating chinese food, it is actually not that far off from what i am eating here (: haha,
love sister walker,
also so happy for my plaque! haha, also why do i get all of asia and a little star on taiwan? haha, that is funny. love you soooo much!!! (:
also ps last week got 10 new investigators, that is the most i have ever gotten before!!! keep praying for miracles! we want a baptism this month!!!! (:
our two new investigators! Brother and Sister Chen!!! (: we are eating hot pot and it was so good! |
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sister anderson and I on the train (: hahah |
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At the Taibei Temple |
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