OK, so i don't have a lot of time. as usually.... here are some highlights.... (:
Also, about the email i sent if you didn't want to get my emails anymore..... thank you so much for your sweet reply (: it was so nice! i love getting emails from you all too!!! and sorry if i don't reply, i will keep them coming (:(: I LOVE YOU ALL!!! (:
so ya, taiwan. let me just say. its crazy. and well, we were coming out of the seven to go meet our investigator outside of the night market..... sister george went and i missed the light... so i was just slowly riding on the other side of the road until i could cross.... hahaha, ya i was looking back and a car totally pulled out in front of me from an alley way i hadn't seen. totally ran smack into it. haha funny thing is... is that most of the time it is the car that runs into you... not the other way around... basically i hit, bounced and just sort of tipped over on my bike. haha it was probably ridiculous looking haha. anyway.... caught myself with my hand but it was all scratched up and my leg and arm too. these two really nice boys came running over and picked me up and my bike up, and were just like those people.... be careful, and i was just in shock so i am just saying xiexie, xiexie, haha, they were my angels this week (: wow. (: anywho...i get back up and i cross the road..... and find sister george... she is a couple lights ahead waiting for me... hahaha.... we starting riding and then i start to kinda ache a little and im like, i totally just got hit by a car! and she starts freaking out, haha, she is such a good momma (: haha, but ya, it all worked out... we were headed back to the church anyways... so i cleaned my wound and put a bandaid on, it still hurts but i am doing good (: haha.
OK, this week was the best week ever, we hit all of our goals! it was amazing.... we even had to go to Taipei for a meeting... meaning that we lost a whole day to sitting on a train... we still made it (: amazing. i know the Lord looks out for us missionaries. and as we all work as hard as we can, He will bless us. It is a law. (: and especially if we do it with a cheerful heart. (:
One thing that I want to share is from studying this morning... I was reading "our search for happiness" by Elder Ballard and here are some thoughts i had and quotes from it.....WHY SHOULD WE WORK HARD IN THIS LIFE? To have a quality life, it takes work. A quality life is one that positively influences others and makes the word around it a better place in which to live. a quality life is one that is constantly growing, expanding its horizons and enlarging its borders. a quality life is one that is filled with love, loyalty, patience, perseverance, kindness and compassion. a quality life is one that is based on eternal potentials and not confined to this life only. a quality life is a life well lived. we aren't perfect but as followers of Jesus Christ this is what we strive for. do our best. follow the commandments.
This is what will allow people to have interest. Doesn't everyone want a little more happiness?
Quote from Sarah manning: "leave people better and happier than when you found them."
LOVE YOU ALL, keep on being good, you are awesome. rock on. peace out. roll tide. (:
love, sister walker (:
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this is my face out of a carboard cutout we found in the store haha (: |
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some flowers growing out of a house. nbd |
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our investigator vicki! she is so cool. |
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