ok, so this email is going to be short, just know that this past week was the best week ever though.
1. got to go to TAIBEI!!!!!(:(:(:(: which means that we got to go to the temple too!!! wow, what a special privilege that was, it has been so long since i have gotten to go to the temple and even longer for sister george!!!! it was so cool (:
2. we have found 5 new investigators!!! (4 from knocking on doors and 1 from on the street) they are all miracles, looking for something in their life and we can help them! we had lessons with all 5 and set up return appointments (:(:(: ok, let me tell you about one, this sweet lady. we were lost and we pulled over and asked her for directions, then she was just like, what are you doing here? and we were like we are missionaries and she was like, oh well i really have interest! and we were shocked. that never, ever happens. amazing. she began to tear up, you could tell she felt the peace and comfort of the spirit, she just kept saying wow, i feel like i can talk to you so much and i can't with other people and this really is God's arrangment. so cool.
3. GOD is too good to us. we have seen so many evidences of His love.
4. Got my new chinese name tag!! now i can show people...see my name is Wang Jiemei actually (:
5. Our investigators are amazing!!! i love them all!!!(:(:(:(: i know God will answer their prayers and it is so cool for them to figure that out for themselves, we were talking with our new investigator Yang Yi An and we told her about the atonement and she was just like, why would Jesus do that for me? and we just testified that he loves her so much. We talked with her about Joseph Smith and the first vision and she was just like, he got the experience that I want!!! haha (: she is so cute, we asked her if she really needed to see God to know that He is there and loves her, knows her name and is going to guide her. She said she didn't know, and that well, maybe not..... we testified that through the scriptures, prayer and coming to church she really can know that these things are true.
6. OK, this is to everyone. if there are any converts or investigators in your ward, please friendship them (:(: and i know you are all so good and doing that! just be extra careful about making sure that everyone has a friend, a calling and constantly nourished by the good word of god, if the kids see people who aren't coming to church or know some less actives, please friendship them, bring them back into the fold!!!
we are working so much with recent converts, less actives and investigators and a major thing that we are focusing on is church, wow i never realized how important church is!!! we can receive revelation there and we can be together with our friends and learn so much and take the sacrament and have the feeling that we had when we were baptized again and again (:(:
Love you all so much, sorry this week wasn't as funny. but ya i need more time for that (:
please enjoy these pictures... i forgot which ones i uploading..... but ya (:
LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH> seriously. keep on rocking the world. also, merry christmas. (sister george and I listen to christmas music all the time)
ALSO, eat as many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as possible because they are good. (: i lived off of them this week, haha had at least one a day.... if not two (:
sister walker
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the ocean on the train ride to taibei!!! |
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sister george and our study area! |
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sister george and i (: |
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and look my dragon i drew!!! |
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don't i look like pinky pie?????? |
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everyone here rides scooters or motorcylces, haha or the cars are really small, i see mazda 3 hatchbacks a lot and mykaela's blue yaris car haha |
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my mosquito bitten legs |
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