Ok, I can finally tell everyone that I have been in Taiwan for 2 months!!! but it was funny because when we were talking to our new investigator I accidentally said... 2 years.... because sister george said that she had been here for one year..... haha, so it was like in my brain or something. haha!
but actually 2 months!!!(:(:
1.One miracle I think that came from this week, was meeting with our new investigator Nick. He came to English class once a long time ago, and we called him to see if he had interest.... he said he was busy with tests and that we should call him after. So we put it on our planners to call him on the 20th. Well the 20th came around and we called him to see if we could set up a time with him, he sounded kind of hai hao, but we set up for friday sept. 26th at 2 in the afternoon....We said that we would call him the day before and just make sure. He didn't answer on thursday and we were doubting if it really was going to happen. Right after studies, we get a call... It is Nick! He asked if we were still on for 2.... we said yes, scrambled to find a peike and at 2 got to meet with him. Amazing, he is so prepared. He has met missionaries before and right from the beginning he was asking questions that started out with, when i join the church.... Wow.
2.Sister Hibbert got asked out on a date! (she is my sister training leader) we were on exchanges and one of our english students came up after and was like hey, do you want to go to a movie, because he works at the theatre, and sister hibbert kindly said that us missionaries have a rule that we can't watch movies, but i said that she is finishing her mission soon so maybe after (: hahah!!!!
3. I won a dragon from the claw game things at the night market. I am amazing.
4. Got to go to another concert! This time it was a member from taibei... you came down and did a cello concert with us!
5. District conference was super good! so cool to see all the members!
6. GENERAL CONFERENCE IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go watch it (:
7. I braided sister george's hair, into 6 french braids, she looks sweet.
8. We met an old white guy who is a "devout buddhist and has no interest in the christian religion" it was harsh. and we were not ready to combat that haha
9.the area is amazing, i think i tell you everytime, but i am in the most beautiful area in taiwan. trust me. and there are a lot of christians and aboriginies in our area. which is cool because often they are more interested than the buddhists. but also not good because they think it is the same, they have a hard time seeing the difference.
10.the typhoon was fine in our area.... nothing really bad happened..... this happens all the time... the only bad thing that happened was that no one came to church because everyone here is afraid of the rain.... ugghhh!!!! its like come on people, you live in taiwan!!! it rains all the time... sister george was telling me the other day that one time she invited someone to be baptized on a specific day.... and there reply was of course, if it isn't raining.... like what??? hahaha!!! \
11. the work is going good, the only thing is that everyone is so busy it is hard to meet with people and help them to keep progressing...... so thats really what is going on right now.
12. haha, i just found out the other day how observant i really am... because i was talking about how every single day we pass this truck and it says "team amah" on it... which is super funny, and i was telling sister george that i wanted a picture by it... but she said that she has never seen it before. haha, we pass it multiple times a day.... idk haha (: she is funny. also i think i have a good sense of direction or something because now i am leading sister george around.... haha (:(: which is good because hopefully i can stay here and she can go!! hahaha, i just really want to stay here!!!! ahh!!!!
13. the language is coming good, hahah, my english is getting worse so i take that as a good sign (: love you thanks for the prayers!!! i love the atonement.... seriously if people get anything out of what we are teaching i hope it is the power of the atonement. (: love you all!!!(:(: i feel the strength everyday!!! know that the work is going forward brightly here!!!(:(: love you all!!!!
Sister WAlkerrrrr
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1. some sweet statues. hahaha (: |
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2. me on the plane. it was fun. haha they gave us blankets. (: |