Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sister Walker 1st Letter Home

Ni hao!!!(: Wow, so guys, i seriously have like 3 minutes to write you. i just wanted to say that i am doing great, adjusting well and i love my companion!!!(: Sister Jex is my friend from BYU i think i might have told you about, we are solid learning chinese for hours and how to teach the gospel. We teach our first investigator tomorrow in chinese!! AH!
I will let you know how it goes and will send a letter as soon as possible! 
Love you all and hope you are having a fantastic time! Remember to keep the spirit with you and prepare yourself for your future goals. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each of you and thank goodness we know this because it brings us so much peace!
I have felt the spirit so much here (: Its been totes awes!
Loves, <3
Sister Walker
Wang JieMei (:
Lindsey is officially "Sister Walker" by her President Keil

Salt Lake Temple Wednesday morning

Italian Gelata in Ogden

MTC curb drop off (She is sooo excited)!!

There she goes :)  We love you Lindsey!!