Sister Walker in Taitung

Sister Walker in Taitung

Sunday, December 13, 2015

恭喜恭喜!!!!洗禮洗禮洗禮洗禮!!!! wooh wooh woooh woooh!

Taoyuan is on fire! 


Our whole zone is doing really really well. it is so happy. i sang the happy song like a hundred times. it is so happy to see our zone be so diligent and excited!
We went on two more exchanges this past week and it was so fun! 

1. was with Tao 2.... sister harvey and sister ioane, i went with sister ioane to tao 2 and it was so great, we all learned alot about using our time, the importance of communication and setting goals! 

We want everyone in our zone to have a vision for their missions. I would invite everyone to have a vision for their life. 

2. I got to go with Sister Graham and Sister Liu to Bade!!! They are doing so well, we met so many cool people. We met this one student, she was so cute. And did she have a personality! wow, that was so refreshing. haha. We asked her what she thought a successful family was... and she is probably the first person that I have met to then just go on and on! So cool, we said a prayer for her and she was like, wow, i was at 100% but now I feel like I am at 120% I feel soooo good! So amazing. Those people are out there! We got to meet the family and they said we could come back!!! She also set a baptismal date!! YAY!!!! It was so happy for Sister Liu because recently they have been having a hard time finding lately, it really lifted her spirits! MIRACLES ARE ALL AROUND US!!!!

PS. I got to share my testimony in church for the last time in taiwan on Sunday..... weird.

AND THE HAPPIEST THING EVER HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SISTER DING AND HER DAUGHTER DING LING GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:(:(:

SO SO SOO HAPPY. the service was great, everyone was a little tired because it was 8 in the morning before church and so we all had to wake up a little earlier. but it really wasn't bad. I wasn't tired at all!!!! (:(:

So here is the picture of Them and Us and also the Tao 2 sisters.... they have been taking care of them at church for us (:

So so happy!!!! (: I was so touched when they got the gift of the holy ghost. it really is going to help and protect them for the rest of their lives.... they shared in sacrament meeting too!!! They are learning, just little sprouts, but they are making so many strides and progressing so well!!!

SO MERRY WHITE CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! Even though there was no snow here, it was white (:

this says, go happy out the door and peacefully return home (kuaile chumen, pingan huijia)

So keeping on working hard and doing the work of the Lord. Make the world a happy place. Smile, Say hi. Say a prayer. Sing a song. Choose to be happy. Don't be frustrated. Let go of things you can't control. Remember Jesus. Come to know Him. 
What is your relationship with God? He loves you. Don't forget your potential.

this is sister walker signing off. 

I will be seeing you all this week.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

love you mommy!!!!

BE SAFE and I WILL SEE YOU in 5 days!!!  xoxoxoxoxxoxox

Ok so yesterday was soooo crazy. we got fed for every single meal!! that has never happened before in my whole mission.....

breakfast, lunch and dinner..... and so grateful too because we had no food at home!

here was breakfast with the You Family.........

we had lunch with the Ding Family

and dinner with the Xiao family....

so happy. and if you send them something in english they will probably understand (: and there is always google (: so go for it!

also please can we have chicken enchiladas!!?!?!?! (:(:(: that is number 1!

and yay!!! you talked to calla!!! is she doing good??? i am so excited to see her!!! (:

love you! see you soon!!! (:

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Somethings I have learned on the mission........


Sister Cutler, Giles, Lindsay, Tate, Komatsu, Cardon, Jex

                                                       sister price

and in total I have had 12 companions (: And being with them has made the mission so happy. 


and what I have to say is that
the mission is about you.
It is about your companion.
And the Lord.
And everyone else.
Happiness is something that is from within yourself. 
Success is most likely to be achieve when founded upon the teachings and atonement of Jesus Christ.
Be diligent. Set goals. Achieve them.
You are a child of God. Your potential is more than you can ever imagine. 
Never settle for "this is how I am" "it is hard to change" 
Don't deny the changing power of Christ's atonement.
Repent. Happily, everyday.
Go with the Flow.


EVERYDAY IS CHRISTMAS. Angels are rejoicing. 

Please share this with at least one person you love......

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! (:(:
sister walker

Sister Anderson and Sister George

Sister Anderson and Sister George

i love you so much mommy!!!! i don't even feel trunky at all!!! so exciting huh!!! (:(:(: i am just so happy and i am working so hard.... (:(:

love you!!! see you soon (: 

some Taiwanese friends (:

also ps my hair is soooo crazy!!!!! so i was loosing hair like crazy a couple months ago.... now it is all coming back and i have soooo much baby hairs!!!! oh man. (: haha#sistermissionariesintaiwan

anyways.... so this is Ding Ling and some members and us at the young womens standards of excellence night (:(: she loved it so much!!! (:(:(: