So in Moroni 8:25-26 it talks about the gospel, faith, repentance, baptism, holy ghost, endure to the end.
25 And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;
26 And the remission of sins bringeth meekness, and lowliness of heart; and because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God.
also see Moroni 7:48
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen.
These attributes are: Faith in Jesus Christ, Hope, Charity and Love, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, Humility, Diligence, Obedience, etc.
Therefore, lets go and do.
haha, I have just been feeling like really passionate lately and really motivated and spiritual. It is very fun, haha, but then when I am not feeling like that I just get ice cream. haha, actually yes, that brings me to my title. Yesterday was the day to celebrate elder matua's birthday. And so Brother Huang bought this cake. pretty good haha, and its not even like cake is my favorite, but afterward I was like, Sister Komatsu, I don't feel so good. And she was like, me neither. And then... we continued on and we got home and tried to do planning but we could just not focus worth anything, and we just talked and talked and talked. well, let me tell you. that was a sugar rush. haha. well, we were really happy. haha. also... whenever I take a selfie i just look like the white glowing angel because the flash always hits me.... ahah.
Sorry, was that too much detail? The moral of the story we set a goal that we could only eat cake once a transfer (: haha. don't worry about us (: We run it off in the mornings. haha.
Anyway!!!! that wasn't the only reason we were having a great day on sunday... we also saw soooo many miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that I really understand joy. yesterday... it was amazing to sit thereat church. Next to our less active who I haven't seen in weeks, a visiting member and her nonmember friend, and then walks in our other less actives, and the elder's less actives, and our investigator Qiu Yi Wen, and our RCs, and then for the last talk walks in Yuki (she had said that she didn't want to come, and recently she hasn't been progressing). I literally sat there open mouthed. I felt more happy and giddy than I ever have before. It was amazing. I was just sitting there beaming, and smiling, and I looked up at the bishop and you can tell he was trying to hide a grin too. Wow. What makes it so amazing is that the youth in our ward got up and bore there testimonies about being at youth conference last week. SO GREAT! wow! Yesterday was really the best day ever as we saw so many goals accomplished. We worked hard, and put our hearts into it. One of the most amazing lessons that I have ever had was last night as we taught our investigator Yuki about fasting. We laid down the line, and said, look, our purpose as missionaries is to help you and your relationship with God. We invite you to these commitments such as baptism, reading, praying so that you can know the truth from God. In the index we read about the purpose of prayer is not to change the will of God but rather become in harmony with Him. We testified that as she learned her relationship with God, that she is His daughter and He loves her. She will want to pray to Him all the time. She is going to fast with us tomorrow. We are praying that she will know the truthfulness for herself. This is the last thing we can do, she is backed up to the wall of faith and she needs to make a stand. We read Alma 5:44-49 with her. twice. just so she couldn't miss it. We are praying really hard.
So funny too, we had visited the Yang Family.... Ps. they have 6 kids... here is just one of them. (:
and our original plan was to do a roleplay with them.... and it would give us a good time to practice teaching lesson #1... the restoration of the gospel of jesus christ. and I asked, who do you want to play? And she was like, I will just be my sister in law...... and I said, well, why don't we just teach it to her. Because she was actually sitting there. haha, and so we taught their sister the restoration and taught about families and how God loves us and wants to help us and direct us. And she accepted the baptismal invite and a book of mormon. Cool! Then invited the Yang Family afterward to boldly talk with their family and friends, because we need new investigators and these people need the gospel!
So funny, Brother Yang talked in church and totally shared that experience, haha, he was like, Sister Walker is great. And she is right, we need to be more bold. I was just sitting there in the congregation, I think my face turned red. haha.
Some challenges that we have faced is investigators losing interest and time. Our pool is smaller now. But we found a lot people this past week! Super exciting! The challenge that comes along with that is only a few of our investigators are progressing. We need to help these people progress. We just need to do better followup.
That is one of our goals, is to do better followup. It will be hard, i have never been good at that on my mission. But we need to help these people. They need the gospel.
I think this week, well as the first full week with my new companion has been a learning week for both of us. And I think we are starting to figure out how to work a little bit better together. So that is exciting! We really are having a great time, we are in a beautiful place with amazing people, and i have a great companion, can't complain.
I want to be captained by Christ! I have seen many small little miracles of following the spirit that are really motivating to keep going! We are sharing the because he lives video with everyone. It is amazing! It just hit me the other day, that really that is like what we are doing, we are sharing about christ and his atonement and resurrection and everything else is just an appendage to that. I think that was in a conference talk...
We had a good meeting with our leaders in the ward the other day, we hope that now we are a ward that we can better follow the ward mission process. We gave them a copy and invited them to do it. Next ward council is going to be exciting!
I love my mission, and I am just so excited to be here everyday. I think about back when I was in training, or the MTC, i never could have imagined where I am now. It is a miracle. It is amazing. It is the gospel.
Wow. this email is really long! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!! (:(:(:
haha, love! sister walker (:
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Wow!! time for new running shoes :) |
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Our home!! |
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OUr kitchen!! |
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From our balcony :) |